This has already been fixed in trunk and the nightly built. file was 
replaced by filename. 

On Wednesday, 10 October 2012 19:18:24 UTC-5, Bill Thayer wrote:
> This question should show my lack of Python knowledge but here goes...
> In 
> def Wiki(object):
> .
> .
> .
> table_definitions = {
>             'wiki_page':{
>                 'args':[
>                     Field('slug',
>                           requires=[IS_SLUG(),
>                                     IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'wiki_page.slug')],
>                           readable=False,writable=False),
>                     Field('title',unique=True),
>                     Field('body','text',notnull=True),
>                     Field('tags','list:string'),
>                     Field('can_read','list:string',
>                           writable=perms,
>                           readable=perms,
>                           default=[Wiki.everybody]),
>                     Field('can_edit', 'list:string',
>                           writable=perms,readable=perms,
>                           default=[Wiki.everybody]),
>                     Field('changelog'),
>                     Field('html','text',compute=render,
>                           readable=False, writable=False),
>                     auth.signature],
>                 'vars':{'format':'%(title)s'}},
>              'wiki_tag':{
>                 'args':[
>                     Field('name'),
>                     Field('wiki_page','reference wiki_page'),
>                     auth.signature],
>                 'vars':{'format':'%(name)s'}},
>            'wiki_media':{
>                 'args':[
>                     Field('wiki_page','reference wiki_page'),
>                     Field('title',required=True),
>                     Field('file','upload',required=True),
>                     auth.signature],
>                 'vars':{'format':'%(title)s'}}
>             }
> Since file is an Oracle keyword and I'd like to save my file_data in the 
> database how do I overwrite this Wiki class and still have it work in my 
> application?
> Should I just edit That seems dangerous when it comes time to 
> upgrade. I also want 
>  db.wiki_media.file_data.represent = lambda value,row: \ A('get it', _href
> =URL('download', args=value))
> but I think I can add that to
> Perhaps I should copy to my application modules folder and 
> edit it there?
> Regards,
> Bill


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