Good catch. Accidentally they could not be right since Python is case 
sensitive but you are right. There is some junk in that folder. I have 
removed it and rebuilt-the nightly built. Can you please try it again?


On Thursday, 11 October 2012 15:28:29 UTC-5, Nico Zanferrari wrote:
> Got i!
> The problem is not present if you unzip it on Linux. It is simple due to 
> name collision - inside the ZIP there are 3 couples files that cannot exist 
> for Windows on the same directory:
> web2py\applications\examples\static\epydoc\web2py.gluon.sqlhtml.ExporterTsv-class.html
> web2py\applications\examples\static\epydoc\web2py.gluon.sqlhtml.ExporterTSV-class.html
> web2py\applications\examples\static\epydoc\web2py.gluon.sqlhtml.ExporterHtml-class.html
> web2py\applications\examples\static\epydoc\web2py.gluon.sqlhtml.ExporterHTML-class.html
> web2py\applications\examples\static\epydoc\web2py.gluon.sqlhtml.ExporterCsv-class.html
> web2py\applications\examples\static\epydoc\web2py.gluon.sqlhtml.ExporterCSV-class.html
> So, delete the wrong ones or rename them.
> Nico


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