Ok, I confirm that... I had the same problem here the problem can be
reproduced by adding this line to a new app :

db.auth_user.password.requires =

Below :
## create all tables needed by auth if not custom tables
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)

Or, by adding IS_STRONG() to my own app. The problem happen only in
appadmin when trying to submit change to auth_user without touching the
password field.

I saw that IS_STRONG() had been patched recently :

But I don't think that this is caused by this change... I try with a web2py
1.99.4 and the problem seems to be present.

It may be possible we just don't know how to use IS_STRONG().


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 2:15 PM, piero crisci <piero.cri...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Here is a test app that have the same problem i described above
> Il giorno lunedì 15 ottobre 2012 15:54:47 UTC+2, Richard ha scritto:
>> Try to create the app by your self in this case... It is not very
>> difficult... For the auth definition (I mean auth_user, auth_group, etc.).
>> Use the code available in the book.
>> Also, you could maybe post the demo app you create with the wizard here
>> and we can test it in our environnement.
>> Richard
>> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 12:26 PM, piero crisci <piero....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I made the changes you said,
>>> I also test the app with the V. 1.99.7
>>> I also create a new app called TEST with the wizard without add anything
>>> else.
>>> Once created the new APP i just add this lines to db.py :
>>> db.auth_user.password.requires = [IS_STRONG(),CRYPT(key=auth.**
>>> settings.hmac_key)]
>>> I chose a good password and after i went to this link page to change
>>> user info
>>> I try the submit and i got the same IS_STRONG controls Error.
>>> So with 2 differnts apps 2 different framework version, 2 different db i
>>> got the same Controll error.
>>> Could it be due to the use of the Wizard App creation?.
>>> Thanks for help
>>> Il giorno sabato 13 ottobre 2012 16:42:26 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha
>>> scritto:
>>>> You do not need two decorators:
>>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>>> @auth.requires_membership('**ris**orse_umane' or 'admin')
>>>> auth.requires_membership also requires login.
>>>> You cannot do
>>>> @auth.requires_membership('**ris**orse_umane' or 'admin')
>>>> because that is the same as
>>>> @auth.requires_membership('**ris**orse_umane')
>>>> since 'risorse_umane' evaluates to True.
>>>> There may be something else going on.
>>>> On Friday, 12 October 2012 10:04:35 UTC-5, piero crisci wrote:
>>>>> I tryed to find others with the same iusse problem without understand
>>>>> how to solve the problems :(
>>>>> I set in the db.py the follow table
>>>>> ##############################****##########
>>>>> db.define_table('auth_user',
>>>>>     Field('username', type='string',
>>>>>           label=T('Username')),
>>>>>     Field('first_name', type='string',
>>>>>           label=T('First Name')),
>>>>>     Field('last_name', type='string',
>>>>>           label=T('Last Name')),
>>>>>     Field('email', type='string',
>>>>>           label=T('Email')),
>>>>>     Field('password', type='password',length=512,
>>>>>           readable=False,
>>>>>           label=T('Password')),
>>>>>     Field('created_on','datetime',****default=request.now,
>>>>>           label=T('Created On'),writable=False,readable=**F**alse),
>>>>>     Field('modified_on','datetime'****,default=request.now,
>>>>>           label=T('Modified On'),writable=False,readable=**F**alse,
>>>>>           update=request.now),
>>>>>     Field('registration_key',**defau**lt='',
>>>>>           writable=False,readable=False)****,
>>>>>     Field('reset_password_key',**def**ault='',
>>>>>           writable=False,readable=False)****,
>>>>>     Field('registration_id',**defaul**t='',
>>>>>           writable=False,readable=False)****,
>>>>>     format='%(username)s',
>>>>>     migrate=settings.migrate)
>>>>> db.auth_user.first_name.**requir**es = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=**
>>>>> aut**h.messages.is_empty)
>>>>> db.auth_user.last_name.**require**s = IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=**aut
>>>>> **h.messages.is_empty)
>>>>> #db.auth_user.password.**require**s = [ IS_STRONG(min=8,
>>>>> number=1,special=1,error_**messa**ge = "La password deve contenere
>>>>> almeno 8 Caratteri, un Numero, un Carattere Speciale, un carattere
>>>>> Maiuscolo"), CRYPT(key=auth.settings.hmac_**k**ey)]
>>>>> db.auth_user.password.**requires**= [*IS_STRONG(min=8),
>>>>> CRYPT(auth.settings.hmac_key)*]
>>>>> db.auth_user.username.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
>>>>> db.auth_user.username, error_message = 'Username già censita')
>>>>> db.auth_user.email.requires = (IS_EMAIL(error_message=auth.**m**
>>>>> essages.invalid_email),
>>>>>                                IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
>>>>> db.auth_user.email,error_**messa**ge = 'Email già censita'))
>>>>> auth.define_tables(migrate = settings.migrate)
>>>>> I set in the default.py this def for manage the user changes .
>>>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>>>> @auth.requires_membership('**ris**orse_umane' or 'admin')
>>>>> def anagrafica_utenti_db_manage():
>>>>>     form = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.auth_**user**,onupdate=auth.archive)
>>>>>     return locals()
>>>>> When i try to modify the name or the surname the framework rise the
>>>>> IS_STRONG control even if i don't touch the password string.
>>>>> I am new with web2py and i want just to know if i need to create a
>>>>> form to make the user changes or i can fix this problem using the 
>>>>> smartgrid.
>>>>> I also set the "Requires approval" for the new registration. How can i
>>>>> delete the "Pending" in the registration key ? (I can t do it right now
>>>>> because of the IS_STRONG control.
>>>>> Thanks for help
>>>>> And sorry for bother you
>>>>  --
>>  --


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