Hello everyone,

Thanks to Allen, Villas, of course Massimo among a few others I have web2py 
auth.wiki with Oracle storing the media blobs and all the pages.  I believe 
I can use the wiki features in a structure way to improv productivity and 
cross department functionality in my workplace.

Now what in the heck to do with it?

The app wizard created a bunch of controllers like
def part_manage():
    form = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.part)
    return locals()

but if I add
to my markmin I get a page with my SQLFORM.smartgrid inside a page so I get 
two footers and two headers. Not to mention the add and edit pages should 
really be a wiki page with my table attributes added.

Looks like auth-wiki is for creating web pages but what caught my attention 
was the media and tagging capability built in so I don't have to write my 
own app to do what's already there. However, I have a bunch of tables 
(parts, sub parts, orders, samples, testing, analyses for tested samples, 
etc...) defined for my application and  basically 75% of the items have 
attachments, images, files, user references and tags too. 

Unless someone says different I guess I should be adding a wiki_page column 
to all of my tables? Then create separate edit/show/create controllers that 
generate the proper..."slug"...and return a wiki page? That shouldn't break 
my relationships I don't think.

Just kind of wondering if there's already a know technique for my 
application that you know of?



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