Thank you Andrew...

There is no need for apology.

The most thing i like about web2py is the community...very supportive.

After adding the hashed password, the admin works fine.

Now, to the github issues....



On Thursday, October 18, 2012 5:18:32 PM UTC+3, Andrew wrote:
> Ashraf,
> I apologize, this is the first message I've received since you started 
> posting to this thread. I think something with the group is malfunctioning. 
> In anycase;
> Regarding which password, it's the web2py admin password "hash". You can 
> get this by starting a vanilla web2py instance with the -a <password> and 
> then grab the line in that it creates.
> I'd also be happy to assist with the "Deploy to OpenShift" issue you're 
> seeing. I tried with 2.0.9 a while back and ran into some issues as well I 
> believe but haven't had time to look at them. If you want to look at the 
> open issues on the github repo and add info to the one that's relevant or 
> open a new one, I'll do my best to help you get going.
> Regards,
> Andrew
> On Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:10:50 AM UTC-5, apps in tables wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Andew says:
>>     For the admin app to work you must put your password hash in 
>> in wsgi/web2py/.
>> My Question:
>>   Which password? I mean that the password is defined upon the start of 
>> server, in openshift the server is started, so is it the password of the 
>> openshift account?
>>   And how to get the hash of it?
>> Regards,
>> Ashraf
>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:39:06 AM UTC+3, apps in tables wrote:
>>> Thank you ...for being so supportive.
>>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:21:43 AM UTC+3, greaneym wrote:
>>>> Git was easy to install (on a mac) using this link,
>>>> You need git to keep a copy of your repository "somewhere" else besides 
>>>> on the openshift server.
>>>> and the only change after that was to the file which 
>>>> one uses to access the admin
>>>> page.  You will need to read this page to see how to set that up.
>>>> That was the only change to the install. It will hopefully help you to 
>>>> know this before you do the install.
>>>> Margaret
>>>> On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:07:01 PM UTC-5, apps in tables wrote:
>>>>> unfortunately....nope
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:02:33 AM UTC+3, greaneym wrote:
>>>>>> Ashraf,  I posted twice to your answer but don't see it on the list. 
>>>>>> Maybe the answers went directly to you.
>>>>>> margaret
>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 5:35:04 PM UTC-5, apps in tables wrote:
>>>>>>> *Hi Margaret,*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> I don't understand what you mean by using admin deploy to openshift.
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> I mean local admin, as in , 
>>>>>>> it has a button called "deploy to openshift".
>>>>>>> Since your way is working fine, I will try yours...)
>>>>>>> You have a good one.
>>>>>>> Last question: Do i have to use git? ( i did not use git before)
>>>>>>> Ashraf
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12:56:59 AM UTC+3, greaneym wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ashraf,
>>>>>>>> I don't understand what you mean by using admin deploy to 
>>>>>>>> openshift, but no, I've just used the rhc commands to create the 
>>>>>>>> python 
>>>>>>>> gear as described in the openshift guide, then used Andrew's scripts 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> install web2py. But that does create an admin interface accessible via 
>>>>>>>> https and using that you can modify the install. Or you can modify the 
>>>>>>>> install by using ssh to your account and using git to pull files.  
>>>>>>>> Maybe others who have installed on openshift can help.
>>>>>>>> Margaret
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:31:32 PM UTC-5, apps in tables 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thank you Margaret,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to use the admin (deploy to openshift). My 
>>>>>>>>> understanding is that you are not using that option for deployment.
>>>>>>>>> Do you know any requirements for using admin (deploy to openshift) 
>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>> Ashraf
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 5:57:13 PM UTC+3, greaneym wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ashraf,
>>>>>>>>>> (reposting, as response did not show up on list)
>>>>>>>>>> This morning I installed a web2py app using the github path to 
>>>>>>>>>> Andrew's v2.0.9 web2py install on openshift and it worked fine. My 
>>>>>>>>>> other 
>>>>>>>>>> app install has been working for months, and it uses v2.0.2.  I did 
>>>>>>>>>> receive 
>>>>>>>>>> recently an e-mail from openshift stating that their directory 
>>>>>>>>>> structure 
>>>>>>>>>> has changed.  So far it has not affected my install. Just reporting. 
>>>>>>>>>> Margaret


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