the only thing you know about a user "logged in" is that his session has a 
session.auth key with data filled in. You can't know without further 
modification to web2py's code if a user is logged in in any other way.
So, you need to read the session files (all of them).
Session files are usually stored into 
yourapplication/sessions/remoteip.uuid files.
This files are in "pickle" format, so you must unpickle them and read as 
they were a dictionary.

import cPickle
with open(session_file, 'rb') as session:
     data = cPickle.loads(
     print data

"data" contains the session data. Elaborate further your processing logic 
as you wish

On Monday, October 22, 2012 11:28:18 PM UTC+2, Saurabh Kumar wrote:
> Hi, can you elaborate a bit more on as to how to do this in code? I am 
> somewhat confused.
> On Monday, October 22, 2012 8:34:21 AM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:
>> you must load all the session files, unpickle them and see if there is an 
>> auth.user key in it.
>> On Monday, October 22, 2012 12:55:12 PM UTC+2, Saurabh Kumar wrote:
>>> By external python script, I mean a python script run using following 
>>> command:
>>> python -S app_name -M -R 
>>> applications/app_name/private/
>>> I have to check if the user with a given user_id is 'logged in' inside 
>>> this script.


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