Assume a Taxicab is located at the origin (0,0) in the below Grid. The hori-
zontal and vertical lines in the Grid is the road on which his taxi can 
move. If
the cab wants to move to a place, say (3,4), the distance the cab has to 
is (3 - 0) + (4 - 0) = 7 units. The distance calculated in this way is 
called Man-
hattan distance. In general, Manhattan distance between two points (x1 , y1 
and (x2 , y2 ) is calculated as |x2 - x1 | + |y2 - y1 |. As you must be 
aware, the
Eucledian distance between the same two points is calculated as
(x2 - x1 )2 + (y2 - y1 )2
Figure 1: Manhattan distance
Given n points to the taxicab driver located at a position (x,y), he/she 
has to
arrange the points in the order of increasing manhattan distance. For 
If (3,4), (5,3) and (2,2) are the points given to the cab driver who is at 
postion (1,1), then the driver will output (2,2), (3,4) and (5,3) as these 
are in the order of increasing distance from the Taxicab position (1,1).
You are required to write a program to help the driver. The input is of the
following format:
* The first line will contain the position of the Taxicab. For example, the
position could be ((3,0)).
* Next line will contain the number of points. For your program 2 <= n <=
* Next n lines will contain the points with each point on a new line.
After reading the input, your program should calculate Manhattan distance
from the Taxicab position and arrange the points in the order of increasing
Manhattan distance. Each point should be printed in a new line. If Manhattan
distance is equal for two points, first output the point that has the least 
x co-
For Example:


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