There is a Field function called "contains()" which would be useful here.  
It is described in the online book here:,-regexp,-startswith,-contains,-upper,-lower

Your query would be something like: 

db.table.Field2.contains( [ 'value1', 'value2' ] )

Notice that "contains" is a function and is on Field2 (where it gets its 
"self" argument).  The argument to contains is a list object -- note the 
square brackets!  The list gathers up your values into a single object 
which is then passed into "contains".  There is an optional keyword 
argument "all" which can be set to True which forces it to match all of the 
list instead of any of the list.

-- Joe B.

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 3:01:58 AM UTC-8, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
> and i even tried : 
> items  =[]
> items.append(request.args(0))
> items.append('Both') 
> db( (db.table.Field1 == value) & (db.table.Field2 in items))
> regards,
> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:56 PM, hasan alnator 
> <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Dear Joe , 
>> What i want to do is to have a query like this : 
>> db( (db.table.Field1 == value) & (db.table.Field2 == value or value))
>> i tried it i get no errors but its now working 
>> Regards
>> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Joe Barnhart 
>> <<javascript:>
>> > wrote:
>>> I see -- you're right.
>>> The request.args structure is a List() object which web2py defines to 
>>> retrieve values without the exception if it doesn't exist.  It has some 
>>> additional interesting capabilities...  You can define a default value, 
>>> such as this:
>>> request.args(0,default='Both')
>>> This will substitute the value 'Both' for request.args[0] should it be 
>>> set to None or be invalid.  Or you could cast a string value to an integer 
>>> -- this often happens since the request.args are strings by default, but I 
>>> often pass row ids to be processed elsewhere:
>>> URL('default','editrecord',args=[22])
>>> Becomes:
>>> http://...../default/editrecord/22
>>> And request.args[0] is now '22' (the string).  So we use the "cast" 
>>> keyword to change it to an int:
>>> request.args(0,cast=int)
>>> There is a ton of behavior in this little class!  Thanks for pointing it 
>>> out to me.
>>> -- Joe Barnhart
>>> class List(list):
>>>     """
>>>     Like a regular python list but a[i] if i is out of bounds return None
>>>     instead of IndexOutOfBounds
>>>     """
>>>     def __call__(self, i, default=None, cast=None, otherwise=None):
>>>         """
>>>         request.args(0,default=0,cast=int,otherwise='http://error_url')
>>>         request.args(0,default=0,cast=int,otherwise=lambda:...)
>>>         """
>>>         n = len(self)
>>>         if 0 <= i < n or -n <= i < 0:
>>>             value = self[i]
>>>         else:
>>>             value = default
>>>         if cast:
>>>             try:
>>>                 value = cast(value)
>>>             except (ValueError, TypeError):
>>>                 from http import HTTP, redirect
>>>                 if otherwise is None:
>>>                     raise HTTP(404)
>>>                 elif isinstance(otherwise, str):
>>>                     redirect(otherwise)
>>>                 elif callable(otherwise):
>>>                     return otherwise()
>>>                 else:
>>>                     raise RuntimeError("invalid otherwise")
>>>         return value
>>> On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 2:24:53 PM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote:
>>>> One more point -- your "request.args(1)" should be "request.args[1]" 
>>>>> (with square brackets).  The first form calls request.args as a function 
>>>>> and passes it the value "1".   The second form treats request.args as a 
>>>>> Storage object and asks for the subscript "1".
>>>>> -- Joe Barnhart
>>>>> Nope, request.args(1) does basically
>>>> try:
>>>>   result = request.args[1]
>>>> except:
>>>>   result = None
>>>> return result
>>>> the () notation is safer because using request.args[1] if there is no 
>>>> request.args[1] you get an exception. 
>>>  -- 


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