I'm certainly no expert, but I'm also on webfaction and you may want to 
consider using nginx/uwsgi. At least in my case, there was very little I 
needed to worry about in terms of configuration/memory management. Just two 

- no need to install nginx, as you can just use webfaction's nginx instance 
(there is a recipe floating around that has you build/install a local copy. 
there may be some advantages to this, but I found it to be unnecessary)
- make sure to use uwsgi's "reload-on-rss" option to make sure the process 
doesn't keep consuming more and more memory - webfaction kill your 
processes if you go over your limit. There's a number of posts on this 
topic in this forum.

In general, it's a fast server and relatively straightforward set up. Might 
be more suitable for your needs than fiddling with apache config files.


On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 5:52:52 PM UTC, Mark Graves wrote:
> Dear Fellow Web2py Developers,
> Sorry for the extended email, I wanted to introduce myself and give some 
> background.
> I am enjoying web2py tremendously.  Two years ago, I came to web2py from 
> php where I had hacked together multiple web applications, despite a 
> non-programming background.  I am a second year medical student in Chicago, 
> and I've always had some ideas as to how to make people's lives better 
> through technology.  Now, I'm taking some time off from school to try to do 
> exactly that.
> It has been a wonderful learning experience for programming and web 
> application development.  I even managed to help three people who had never 
> written a single line of code begin writing web applications that they had 
> always dreamed about and never believed they could. (btw Massimo, if you 
> happen to see this, one is a bio major from Depaul)
> Now, I am trying to give back to my community.  Specifically, as I am 
> preparing to deploy an application for a production environment, I have 
> been learning about hosting, the most frustrating part of my learning 
> curve. Getting a local copy of web2py up and going is one thing.  Having a 
> fully functional, web deployed app is another. (I know this may sound 
> irresponsible - to put potentially insecure applications on the web, and I 
> believe empowerment, open information, and experience are the keys)
> I chose webfaction as my hosting environment because I had heard about 
> them on this board.  Now, I am trying to write a web2py slice to document 
> my process of going from local development to production with multiple 
> developers in a professional hosting environment.  It is both a learning 
> experience for me and an opportunity to give other non-programmers a better 
> understanding of the process, which I would have appreciated in the process.
> I am soliciting your help to try to offer this help better than I can.
> The areas I want to cover for webfaction are:
> 1.) 1 click web2py instance deployment script -- DONE(already on their 
> wiki)
> 2.) Version control using hg -- WORKING (using hgweb as a separate 
> application)
> 3.) Apache Optimization/mod_wsgi / Memory management  -- WORKING 
> (following the book and Graham Dumpleton's suggestions on the server)
> 4.) exposed /admin with ssh - WORKING
> 5.) Version control from admin interface - WORKING
> 6.) deployment under subdomain / sub url
> The area where I'd like the most help is the Apache/memory management 
> stuff.  Apache/mod_wsgi are confusing as a newbie non programmer.  I don't 
> think it has to be. I want to make production web application development 
> UNDERSTANDABLE for non programmers, to attract more people like myself to 
> the field and to the framework.
> If you are willing to lend your expertise please let me know, so we can 
> make this community better for everyone.
> Sincerely,
> Mark Graves
> GravesMedical Founder


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