Yes, but without that I wouldn't have been able to tell you: "Follow the 
protocol, Mike!" :P

You are publishing a service behind the jsonrpc protocol, but you surely 
missed on how to interact with them ^_^

Every request per the spec has to carry an id , a method and a params value 
in the json body of the request.

So, you are trying to fire function that needs 'message' and 'uid' 
parameters, and the function is called 'save_message'
The following json must be POSTed (and using single quotes will save you 
lots of backslashes if you're using cURL)

'{"id": 1, "method": "save_message", "params": { "message": "mymessage", 
"uid" : "myemail@localhost"}}'

So, the complete cmdline is
curl -v -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 1, 
"method": "save_message", "params": { "message": "mymessage", "uid" : 
"myemail@localhost"}}' $url

This will generate a response like this
{"error": null, "version": "1.1", "id": 1, "result": {"status": "saved"}}

The 'id' is the one you sent (so, if you POST id=2, the response will hold 
2, and so on). In "result" you get what you return in the controller.


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