Hello Luca,

where do you teach?

Look into gluon/admin.py app_install. There is a try...except. Try replace

    except Exception:
        if did_mkdir:
        return False


    except Exception:
        import traceback
        print traceback.format_exc()
        if did_mkdir:
        return False                                                       

Also if you open a ticket about this, I will make sure better errors are 
reported via admin.
I have apps that allows students to upload projects w2p and bulk install 
them, bulk register and test them. Need polishing.
Remind me in a couple of weeks and I will be happy to share them.


On Friday, 9 November 2012 00:08:32 UTC-6, Luca wrote:
> I am using web2py to teach a class on web development, and sometimes the 
> students submit .w2p packages as assignments that cannot be loaded.  When I 
> or the TAs try to load them, we get the "unable to install application" 
> message. 
> What can cause this message? 
> The packages open without problem when I tar xfvz them, so it's not clear 
> to me what the problem is. 
> Many thanks!


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