simple "scientific" thoughts.
It's like databases triggers. Db triggers apply to the "onupdate" event, 
i.e. they let you use a set of just updated fields AND the fields that are 
going to be updated.
Web2py has to intercept the update before or after, because databases (the 
python dbapi in general) don't expose that functionality. I rely on 
database triggers most of the times (as soon as I have access to the 
underlying database), but that's just because for simple things I'm faster 
on coding database triggers than python functions.

However, with after_update, you can't "scientific-ly" know the values the 
rows had before the update, because the update has "already happened".  The 
"stack" works (I have in production several apps relying on "web2py's 
triggers"). After all, all your db(something).update() pass to the same 
function that applies - conditionally - the triggers. 

PS: if the update fails, then the trigger fails too if you don't do a 
db.commit() in the "trigger" itself. 
All web2py's operations are handled in transactions, so it's "safe". 
Moreover, all the before_* triggers have the "feature" that if that 
function call returns "True" the update is not done.... kinda of an 
additional validation (I use that in business logics, e.g., "you can't 
delete the default mapping for a particular product category")


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