I just started using web2py and am having lots of trouble with things that 
I think should be quite simple. I will enumerate them here in the hopes 
they can be answered:

1) I had made a design in Twitter bootstrap 2.2.1 which was working fine as 
a plain .html file. I saw that web2py used an older version of bootstrap so 
I replaced the defauly boostrap.min.css with the latest version. Upon 
uploading my views, everything seemed to work fine. However, when I 
switched from one page to the next I realized that the container size was 
changing. I finally discovered that changing the {{if 
left_sidebar_enabled:}} to {{if not left_sidebar_enabled:}} or {{if 
right_sidebar_enabled:}} to {{if not right_sidebar_enabled:}} solved the 
container problem: every page remained the same width. What gives? How can 
I prevent having to check whether the sidebar is there in order to get my 
templates to all format nicely?

2) With the vanilla Twitter bootstrap 2.2.1, my thumbnails class was 
leaving a nice padding between thumbnails. Now, it's not. Is this a problem 
with the web2.py css files??

3) How can I get rid of the annoying page.com/default/goal structure? I 
just would like to have page.com/goal

4) The navbar by default has an Index link. How can I get rid of it? I 
don't see any "index" in the layout.html file so I don't know where this is 
coming from.

Thanks in advance!!!


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