Thanks for the idea Dereck

Appreciate your help too Paolo!


On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Derek <> wrote:

> I'd use a before_delete function to check if the checkbox 'yes im sure -
> delete' was checked. if not checked, don't delete. don't enable the delete
> button until that box is checked is another option
> On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:26:08 PM UTC-7, Richard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to replace the way web2py allow the deletion of a record.
>> Instead of the check to delete then confirm then submit... I would add a
>> delete buttton on which is attached a confirmation message onclick then
>> when the confirmation is confirmed the record is deleted.
>> Actually I had this :
>>             form = crud.update(db.table, record)
>>             form.add_button(T('Delete'), '#', _class='btn-small
>> btn-danger')
>>             delete_confirmation = T('Are you sure you want to delete this
>> record?')
>>             try:
>>                 form.element('input[value='+T(**'Delete')+']')['_onclick']
>> = "return confirm ('%s')" % delete_confirmation
>>             except:
>>                 pass
>> What I miss is how to actually set form.deleted=true as said in the book (
>> and-insert/update/delete<>
>> )...
>> I think I need a bit of JS, that detect the confirmation and will submit
>> the form.
>> Am I on the right track?
>> Richard
>>  --


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