Yes, I know I can do that, but seems like this should be the default 
behavior for web2py.  I'm just looking for it to work the same way the 
other reference fields work (see the departmentId field in my example).


On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 1:59:22 PM UTC-6, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
> In your controller do something like
> def get_name(id):
>    record = db(, db.
> employees.last_name).first()
>    return ' %s %s' %(record.first_name, record.last_name)
> db.employee.supervisor_id.represent = lambda row: get_name(row.
> supervisor_id)
> If it's an index list you will get one database hit per row.  Better to 
> use this trick on the edit or view pages.
> On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:32:54 PM UTC-5, Jim S wrote:
>> I have a table defined as follows:
>> employee = db.define_table('employee',
>>  Field('employeeId', 'id', writable=False, label='Employee #'),
>>  Field('firstName', length=25, required=True, label='First Name',
>>  writable=False),
>>  Field('lastName', length=25, required=True, label='Last Name',
>>  writable=False),
>> ...
>>  Field('departmentId', db.department, label='Department', writable=False
>> ),
>>  Field('supervisorId', 'reference employee', label='Supervisor', writable
>> =False),
>>  format='%(lastName)s, %(firstName)s')
>> db.employee.dob.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y'))
>> db.employee.seniorityDate.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y'))
>> db.employee.hireDate.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y'))
>> db.employee.originalHireDate.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y'))
>> db.employee.terminationDate.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_DATE('%m/%d/%Y'))
>> My supervisorId field displays correctly with the dropdown if it is 
>> writable, but when I set writable=False it just displays the value of the 
>> supervisorId field, not the assosiated employee first/last name as the 
>> format would dictate.  departmentId is setup to behave the same way, just 
>> referencing a different table and it displays the proper 'name' of the 
>> department when writable=False instead of the id field like supervisorId 
>> does.  Is this a bug?
>> -Jim


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