(Changed the subject - I realized hijacking old thread isn't helping me get 

More debugging : 
I tried the code from "Docs and Example" page, appreport's Wiki (
Specifically example starting w/ "or, rendering a web2py view (**like mvc**)" 
(Only change, instead of person table, I used one of my existing table)

I see same behaviour - i.e. I successfully get the PDF report, but the form 
in browser is in weird state.

Also copying Lucas.  BTW, I'm seeing this problem on both 2.0.8 and 2.2.1 
version of web2py


On Thursday, November 22, 2012 8:28:06 PM UTC+5:30, Mandar Vaze wrote:
> I did some debugging using firebug - Here is what is happening :
> When I choose HTML report there is a POST (posts form data - essentially 
> filters selected by user) followed by GET (actual HTML page is returned 
> from the template)
> But when I choose PDF report - I don't see any POST/GET in the firebug. 
> (But PDF is indeed returned to the browser)
> Now that form is in weird state, if I click Submit one more time, I get
> POST, GET and another POST in firebug, but user doesn't see anything.
> Do I need to return 200-OK (equivalent) when I return PDF data via 
> appreport ?
> Please help
> -Mandar
> On Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:00:32 PM UTC+5:30, Mandar Vaze wrote:
>>     return response.stream(open(request.folder+'/static/temp.pdf', 
>>> 'rb'),chunk_size=4096)
>>>     #  pdf.output(pfile, 'F')
>>>     redirect(URL("index")) 
>> Will the execution ever reach redirect statement above ?
>> I'm interested because I have a report page which generates the reports 
>> based on form submit.
>> User also has option to show PDF report (checkbox)
>> I use appreport plugin to return the PDF. My code looks something like 
>> this ...
>>     return_dict = dict(key1=val1, key2=val2) #Some values that make send 
>> to the template
>>     if pdfreport is not None and pdfreport == 'on':
>>         html = response.render('default/pdfreport.html', return_dict)
>>         pdfName = "mypdfname.pdf"
>>         return plugin_appreport.REPORTPISA(html=html,
>>                                            response_filename=pdfName)
>>     else:
>>         return return_dict
>> Here is the problem :
>> When I use HTML report (last statement after else) - user is shown a 
>> different page, but when I select and return PDF report, use stays on the 
>> same page, but the "form" is in some weird state. i.e user can click 
>> "submit" again but nothing happens till user "refreshes" the page.
>> I had something like the above in mind, where user is redirected to the 
>> "same" page, but the page is refreshed - AFTER pdf is returned to the user. 
>> But I don't think any code after "return" would work.
>> Any work around to redirect the user after PDF is returned (via 
>> appreport?)
>> Thanks,
>> -Mandar


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