No idea but if you find out, please let us. We included pyrtf since 2007 
but to my knowledge it is not user much and the author stopped mantaining 
long ago.

On Tuesday, 13 November 2012 07:53:38 UTC-6, piero crisci wrote:
> I am using pytrf for create a document.
> I want to make the Heading font with a particular kind of colour, but i 
> cannot manage to change the color of the font.
> I manage to use only the standard colour in the StyleSheet.
> Here is the code implemented:
> def render_doc():
>     import gluon.contrib.pyrtf as q
>     doc.Sections.append(section)
>     section=q.Section(break_type=q.Section.PAGE, first_page_number=1)
>     ss=q.StyleSheet()
>     ss.Colours.accepted_type = True
>     ss.Colours.append(q.Colour('Equi',250,255,0))
>     para_ps = q.ParagraphPropertySet()
>     para_ps.SetAlignment(3)
>     p = q.Paragraph(para_ps) 
>     text_ps_heading = q.TextPropertySet(size=38,bold=True)
> *    text_ps_heading.SetColour(ss.Colours.Equi)   *
>     text_heading = q.Text('\par HEADING \par' ,text_ps_heading)
>     p.append(text_heading)
>     section.append(p)
>     response.headers['Content-Type']='text/rtf'
>     return q.dumps(doc)
> The text_heading rendering appear BLACK
> Instead if i change :
> *text_ps_heading.SetColour(ss.Colours.Equi)   
> *Into*
> **text_ps_heading.SetColour(ss.Colours.Red) 
> *
> The text_heading rendering appear RED
> Is like ss.Colours don't take the new colour CLASS.
> Am i wrong?
> How i could set a new colour in the ss.Colours?


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