Sorry. I should have clarified. I proposed a tutorial and a talk. They were 
rejected. I do not know if others have proposed talks on web2py. Too bad 
more talks on the subject should have been proposed.

I am familiar with the previous process for reviewing proposals. I had my 
reservations about previous process because one negative vote by a self 
appointed reviewer could kill a talk. I have complained about it before in 
the appropriate place without much result anyway. I am not sure if the 
process was the same this year since I cannot find a description on the web 

While I do not want to discuss the process here, I have no problem saying I 
do not like the outcome of it:

Django is mentioned in the title or the abstract of 11 talks (not including 
tutorials in the count).
11 does not include a talk on "DISQUS infrastructure" which does not 
mention Django but everybody knowns Disqus is the largest Django 
application. That makes it 12 talks on Django. I think it is a record.
There are two talks about Pyramid.
There is one talk mentioning Flask but the talk is not about Flask and it 
also mentions Django.
No mention of TG, bottle, cherrypy, plone, zope, wheezy,
I do not know for a fact that talks on those subject have been proposed.

In my opinion this selection is not representative of the broader Python 
community and I believe this is a serious problem.



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