Hi there, it might be (and probably is) a silly but I have a series of 
questions concerning the following form:

form=FORM(TABLE(TR("Nome:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="name", _value=user_name
, _writable=False, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())),
                        TR("Email:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="email", _value
=user_email, _writable=False, requires=IS_EMAIL())),
, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())),
                        TR(TD(), TD(INPUT(_type="submit", _value="Send"),

1) How can I set the number of rows and columns of a textarea in a regular 
2) How can I allow lines breaks ( \n ) in a textarea field? Actually when I 
hit enter, it submits the form.
3) How can I set an input textfield as non-writable? '_writable=False' 
doesnt work



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