
I have following records in a table for example:

id, key, value
10, AA, 838
11, BB, 135
12, BB, 147
13, AA, 400
14, AA, 999
15, AA, 625

db.define_table('test', Field('key'), Field('value'))

I want to display the max value in each key group in the grid, such as:
12, BB, 147
14, AA, 999

query = db.test
grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, orderby=~db.test.value, groupby=db.test.key) 
grid will display:
15, AA, 625 
12, BB, 147

I think the groupby always return the max(id) record. The groupby depend on 
record id instead of orderby. How can I modify the query or grid to display 
the max value in each group?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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