
I have an issue with the upload form and postbacks. In my application I 
need to validate file contents before accepting it from user upload form, 
so naturally I try to use "onvalidation" method to it. The table used in 
the forma is defined like this:

                Field('input_file', 'upload', autodelete=True, 
requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label=T('Input file')),
                Field('output_type', default="xxx", 
requires=IS_IN_SET(['xxx', 'yyy']), label=T('Output format')),
                Field('original_name', writable=False, readable=False),
                Field('created', 'datetime', writable=False, 

My simplified action looks like this:

def _validateFileForm(form):
        # on success set hidden fields
        form.vars.original_name = request.vars.input_file.filename
        form.vars.created = datetime.datetime.now()
    except Exception, ex:
        # if validation fails then display an error
        form.errors.input_file = T('file_validation_failed') + ': ' + 

def index():

    form = SQLFORM(db.input_data, submit_button=T("Upload"))
    if form.process(onvalidation=_validateFileForm).accepted:
        # save file id in a session and go to options page
        session.input_data_id = form.vars.id

    return dict(form=form)

Validation seems to work OK, if file is OK then everything is redirected to 
next page, if file is bad then message is displayed in red under file 
upload field. 

What is interesting about it is that when validation fails and form is 
re-displayed it also looks like that the whole file contents is send back 
to the client together with the form. For large uploaded file this could be 
a lot of data. I see long delays and when I check the HTTP response headers 
I see many-megabytes number there. Is there a way to avoid sending the file 
contents back with the form during a postback?



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