Hi Adi,

very many thanks. That was exactly what I was looking for.


this is how i use onclick for confirmation purpose in a grid:

    _onclick='return confirm("Duplicate %s?")'%row.po_number,


On Monday, December 17, 2012 2:46:59 PM UTC-5, Kenneth wrote:


    anybody have any ideas?

    tablerow.components.insert(2, TD(IMG(_src=URL('static',
    'delete-article.png'), _onclick="confirmation(rowdata.asset_id)",


    Den måndagen den 17:e december 2012 kl. 00:40:10 UTC+2 skrev Kenneth:


        I'm using webgrid in an application and I'm trying to insert
        an delete image into the table to shows all rows in an table.
        When clicking on the delete image I want an onclick event to
        trigger a Javascript that confirms and deletes that row. To do
        that I need the rownumber.

        Looks like this:
        def controller that uses webgrid():
            grid.row_created = add_add_serial_link

        def add_add_serial_link(tablerow,rowtype,rowdata):
            if rowtype == 'datarow':

        TD(IMG(_src=URL('static', 'delete-article.png'),
        _onclick="confirmation(rowdata.asset_id)", _width=15)))

        How do I write that _onclick so that the asset_id is sent to
        the confirmation Javascript? If I write
        _onclick='confirmation("rowdata.asset_id")' Javascript gets
        the text rowdata.asset_id and not the ID I'm tryin to send to it.




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