Now i have 2 problems.
1 -
    print auth.user.isempreiteiro  # *returns None*
    print  record['isempreiteiro'] #*returns True  "This is the real value"*

2 -
my decorated function in controller default works ok when user logged in

*#@auth.requires(checkempreiteiro(auth.user_id)==True) *
def inserttrab():
    form = SQLFORM(db.trabalhador)
    if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
        session.flash = 'registo inserido com sucesso'
    return dict(form=form)

but gives an error when the user does logout. logging out should redirect
to login page but the line

*#@auth.requires(checkempreiteiro(auth.user_id)==True) *
def inserttrab():

give a ticket with the error msg.

 File "C:\web2pyGit\web2py\gluon\", line 9170, in __getitem__

    row = self.records[i]
IndexError: list index out of range

When i browse to index page the same error .Why?

thank you

2012/12/20 António Ramos <>

> extra fields are available in my auth.user var  but they have "None"
> instead of the real value
>  so i create an extra function
> def checkempreiteiro(user):
>     print auth.user.isempreiteiro  # *returns None*
>     record=db([0]
>     return record['isempreiteiro'] #*returns True*
> @auth.requires_login()
> @auth.requires(checkempreiteiro(auth.user_id)==True)
> 2012/12/20 Anthony <>
>> Note, should be @auth.requires(...).
>> Anthony
>> On Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:04:26 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> @requires(auth.user.F1=='F')
>>> def yourfunction(...): ....
>>> On Thursday, 20 December 2012 06:40:09 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:
>>>> hello i have a function to be acessed only by users with an extra field
>>>> F1 set to "F"
>>>> how to protect this function to not be used bu everyone?
>>>> what is the best way?
>>>> thank you
>>>> António
>>>  --


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