> <h4><i class="icon-user"></i> me (from sidebar.html):</h4>

> {{ab=db(query).select()}}
> {{dict(ab=ab)}}

The dict line above isn't necessary. The controller function returns a dict 
so that the dict's keys will be added as global variables in the view 
environment, but since you're already in the view here, simply defining the 
ab variable is sufficient.

> {{for pre in ab:}}

Actually, you might as well just do this:

{{for pre in db(db.about).select():}}

> but it would have been better to return the ab dict from the sidebar.py 
> controller instead.

If you really want the sidebar created by its own controller function and 
view, you can use a component (i.e., the LOAD helper), though in this case 
that would probably generate an unnecessary amount of extra processing for 
something rather simple. If you don't want to run the query in the view but 
need the sidebar on every page, then you can simply define the ab variable 
in a model file (all variables defined in model files are available 
globally in all views).

It might also be a good idea to cache the query for some amount of time to 
avoid a separate database hit on every page request.



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