Hello Daniel,

getting back at this. Why use webclient for this instead of using 
gluon/contrib/simplejsonrpc.py?  its seems to me it does not belong there.

On Monday, 17 December 2012 14:01:18 UTC-6, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:
> I have slightly modified the WebClient to support jsonrpc. I am not sure 
> everything is correctly covered, but it is suiting my needs.
> In case you are interested, you can see the changes here:
> https://github.com/gonvaled/web2py/tree/webclient_add_jsonrpc
> The biggest problem I had was 
> that opener.addheaders.append((key,str(value))) is not working as (I) 
> expected: the content-type is not rewritten:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13920211/not-possible-to-set-content-type-to-application-json-using-urllib2
> On Monday, December 17, 2012 6:38:30 PM UTC+1, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to understand how to use the included WebClient to test a 
>> JSONRPC interface. One showstopper for me at the moment is that I see the 
>> following in WebClient.post:
>>                 # time the POST request
>>                 data = urllib.urlencode(data)
>>                 t0 = time.time()
>>                 self.response = opener.open(self.url,data)
>>                 self.time = time.time()-t0
>> When doing JSONRPC accesses I do not want the data to be urlencoded. 
>> Actually, I will prepare the data with json.dump, and I want WebClient to 
>> POST it transparently (I guess this goes in the body of the POST request). 
>> Is this at all possible? Is there an example of WebClient usage 
>> for JSONRPC interfaces somewhere?
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel Gonzalez


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