Hello, Massimo gave me some clues and I think I've found the solution:

I was debugging my code and saw that this line:
returns a 2-tupla: (crypter password, error)

In my code (and in all examples I've seen through Internet), this 2-tuple 
is stored in the database. So what you see in the database is: 
The password and the error are stored in the same field.
Everything is ok, but I am storing the wrong thing. So when I try to log 
in, the password field is not a password but a 2-tuple, it's strange to 
web2py and it crashes.

What I've done is:
passwordAux = db.auth_user.password.validate(password)
if passwordAux[1] != None
    ...insert(..., password=password[0])
And now, this is working. Now, what is stored in the databse is the 
password only:
and the log in works perfectly.

Kind regards!

El jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012 20:10:41 UTC+1, Wonton escribió:
> If you don't mind I could send you my project to your email directly.
> El jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012 16:14:12 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
> escribió:
>> If your data is not confidential, any chance you send me your application?
>> To me this looks like corrupted data in database as if the password field 
>> was at some pointed treated as type='list:string' and than changed back to 
>> type='password'. Is it possible?
>> Massimo
>> On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 11:28:15 UTC-6, Wonton wrote:
>>> Yes, of course. This is my ticket:
>>> Error ticket for "dianaappv1" Ticket ID 
>>> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unsupported hash type 
>>> |pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512) Versión  web2py™ (2, 2, 1, 
>>> datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 21, 16, 57, 4), 'stable')  Python Python 
>>> 2.7.1: /usr/bin/python  Traceback 
>>> 1.
>>> 2.
>>> 3.
>>> 4.
>>> 5.
>>> 6.
>>> 7.
>>> 8.
>>> 9.
>>> 10.
>>> 11.
>>> 12.
>>> 13.
>>> 14.
>>> 15.
>>> 16.
>>> 17.
>>> 18.
>>> 19.
>>> 20.
>>> 21.
>>> 22.
>>> 23.
>>> 24.
>>> 25.
>>> 26.
>>> 27.
>>> 28.
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 212, in restricted
>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py" 
>>> <>,
>>>  line 101, in <module>
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 188, in <lambda>
>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py" 
>>> <>,
>>>  line 27, in public_call
>>>     return servicios_publicos()
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 4387, in __call__
>>>     return self.serve_json(request.args[1:])
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 4197, in serve_json
>>>     s = universal_caller(self.json_procedures[args[0]], *args[1:], **d)
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 3889, in universal_caller
>>>     return f(**arg_dict)
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py" 
>>> <>,
>>>  line 65, in login
>>>     user = auth.login_bare(usuario, password)
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 1789, in login_bare
>>>     if not user.registration_key and password == user[passfield]:
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/validators.py", line 2636, in __eq__
>>>     h = simple_hash(self.password, key, salt, digest_alg)
>>>   File "/Applications/web2py/gluon/utils.py", line 74, in simple_hash
>>>     h = hashlib.new(digest_alg)
>>>   File 
>>> "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/hashlib.py",
>>>  line 121, in __hash_new
>>>     return __get_builtin_constructor(name)(string)
>>>   File 
>>> "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/hashlib.py",
>>>  line 88, in __get_builtin_constructor
>>>     raise ValueError('unsupported hash type %s' % name)
>>> ValueError: unsupported hash type |pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)
>>>  Error snapshot [image: help]  
>>> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>(unsupported hash type 
>>> |pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)) 
>>> inspect attributes 
>>>  Frames 
>>>    -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/restricted.py in restricted at line 
>>>    212* código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File 
>>>    /Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py in 
>>>    <module> at line 101* código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/globals.py in <lambda> at line 188* 
>>>    código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File 
>>>    /Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py in 
>>>    public_call at line 27* código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py in __call__ at line 4387* 
>>>    código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py in serve_json at line 4197* 
>>>    código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py in universal_caller at 
>>>    line 3889* código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File 
>>>    /Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py in 
>>>    login at line 65* código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/tools.py in login_bare at line 1789* 
>>>    código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/validators.py in __eq__ at line 2636
>>>    * código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File /Applications/web2py/gluon/utils.py in simple_hash at line 74* 
>>>    código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File 
>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/hashlib.py
>>>    in __hash_new at line 121* código argumentos variables 
>>>     -  
>>>    *File 
>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/hashlib.py
>>>    in __get_builtin_constructor at line 88* código argumentos variables 
>>>     Function argument list 
>>>    (name='|pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)')
>>>     Code listing 
>>>    83.
>>>    84.
>>>    85.
>>>    86.
>>>    87.
>>>    88.
>>>    89.
>>>    90.
>>>    91.
>>>    92.
>>>            if bs == '512':
>>>                return _sha512.sha512
>>>            elif bs == '384':
>>>                return _sha512.sha384
>>>        raise ValueError('unsupported hash type %s' % name)
>>>    def __get_openssl_constructor(name):
>>>        try:
>>>     Variables  name '|pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)'  builtinValueError <type 
>>>    'exceptions.ValueError'>  
>>>  Context 
>>> locals request session response 
>>>  In file: 
>>> /Applications/web2py/applications/dianaappv1/controllers/default.py 
>>> 1.
>>> 2.
>>> 3.
>>> 4.
>>> 5.
>>> 6.
>>> 7.
>>> 8.
>>> 9.
>>> 10.
>>> 11.
>>> 12.
>>> 13.
>>> 14.
>>> 15.
>>> 16.
>>> 17.
>>> 18.
>>> 19.
>>> 20.
>>> 21.
>>> 22.
>>> 23.
>>> 24.
>>> 25.
>>> 26.
>>> 27.
>>> 28.
>>> 29.
>>> 30.
>>> 31.
>>> 32.
>>> 33.
>>> 34.
>>> 35.
>>> 36.
>>> 37.
>>> 38.
>>> 39.
>>> 40.
>>> 41.
>>> 42.
>>> 43.
>>> 44.
>>> 45.
>>> 46.
>>> 47.
>>> 48.
>>> 49.
>>> 50.
>>> 51.
>>> 52.
>>> 53.
>>> 54.
>>> 55.
>>> 56.
>>> 57.
>>> 58.
>>> 59.
>>> 60.
>>> 61.
>>> 62.
>>> 63.
>>> 64.
>>> 65.
>>> 66.
>>> 67.
>>> 68.
>>> 69.
>>> 70.
>>> 71.
>>> 72.
>>> 73.
>>> 74.
>>> 75.
>>> 76.
>>> 77.
>>> 78.
>>> 79.
>>> 80.
>>> 81.
>>> 82.
>>> 83.
>>> 84.
>>> 85.
>>> 86.
>>> 87.
>>> 88.
>>> 89.
>>> 90.
>>> 91.
>>> 92.
>>> 93.
>>> 94.
>>> 95.
>>> 96.
>>> 97.
>>> 98.
>>> 99.
>>> 100.
>>> 101.
>>> 102.
>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>> # this file is released under public domain and you can use without 
>>> limitations
>>> #########################################################################
>>> ## This is a samples controller
>>> ## - index is the default action of any application
>>> ## - user is required for authentication and authorization
>>> ## - download is for downloading files uploaded in the db (does streaming)
>>> ## - call exposes all registered services (none by default)
>>> #########################################################################
>>> servicios_publicos=Service()
>>> servicios_privados=Service()
>>> def random_password():
>>>     import string
>>>     import random
>>>     password = ''
>>>     specials=r'!...@#$*?'
>>>     for i in range(0,2):
>>>         password += random.choice(string.lowercase)
>>>         password += random.choice(string.uppercase)
>>>         password += random.choice(string.digits)
>>> #        password += random.choice(specials)
>>>     return ''.join(random.sample(password,len(password)))
>>> def public_call(): 
>>>     return servicios_publicos()
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def private_call(): 
>>>     return servicios_privados()
>>> @servicios_publicos.json
>>> def registra(usuario, email, password):
>>>     respuesta = {}
>>>     estado = 'OK'
>>>     mensaje = ''
>>>     tipoError = 0
>>>     #Comprueba si hay otro usuario con el mismo nombre
>>>     if db(db.auth_user.username == usuario).count() != 0:
>>>         estado = 'Error'
>>>         tipoError = 1
>>>     #Comprueba si hay otro usuario con el mismo email
>>>     if db(db.auth_user.email == email).count() != 0:
>>>         estado = 'Error'
>>>         tipoError = tipoError + 2
>>>     #Registrar
>>>     if estado == 'OK':
>>>         db.auth_user.insert(username=usuario, email=email, 
>>> password=db.auth_user.password.validate(password)) 
>>>         mensaje = 'El registro se ha realizado correctamente.'
>>>     else:
>>>         if tipoError == 1:
>>>             mensaje = 'El usuario ya existe.'
>>>         elif tipoError == 2:
>>>             mensaje = 'El email ya existe.'
>>>         else:
>>>             mensaje = 'El usuario y el email ya existen.'
>>>     respuesta['estado'] = estado    
>>>     respuesta['mensaje'] = mensaje
>>>     return respuesta
>>> @servicios_publicos.json
>>> def login(usuario, password):
>>>     respuesta = {}
>>>     user = auth.login_bare(usuario, password)
>>>     if not user:
>>>         respuesta['estado'] = 'Error'    
>>>         respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrecta'
>>>     else:
>>>         respuesta['estado'] = 'OK'    
>>>         respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Login correcto'
>>>     return respuesta
>>> @servicios_publicos.json
>>> def recupera_contrasenya(usuario):
>>>     nueva_contrasenya = random_password()
>>>     respuesta = {}
>>>     fila = db(db.auth_user.username == usuario)
>>>     if fila.count() == 0:
>>>         respuesta['estado'] = 'Error'    
>>>         respuesta['mensaje'] = 'No existe el usuario'
>>>     else:
>>> fila.update(password=db.auth_user.password.validate(nueva_contrasenya))
>>>         datosFila = fila.select()
>>>         destino = datosFila[0].email
>>>         enviado = mail.send(to=[destino],
>>>           subject='Recuperación de contraseña',
>>>           message='Se te ha creado una nueva contraseña. Es esta ' + 
>>> nueva_contrasenya)
>>>         if enviado:
>>>             respuesta['estado'] = 'OK'    
>>>             respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Se ha enviado la contraseña a su correo 
>>> electrónico.'
>>>         else:
>>>             respuesta['estado'] = 'Error'    
>>>             respuesta['mensaje'] = 'La contraseña no se ha podido enviar, 
>>> reinténtelo más tarde'
>>>     return respuesta
>>> #@servicios_privados.json
>>> #def metodo_privado(): 
>>> #    return 'private'
>>> response 
>>> <>._vars=response 
>>> <>._caller(public_call)
>>> El miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012 18:09:25 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>> escribió:
>>>> Can you please show me the complete traceback?
>>>> I cannot reproduce this and I this error is not generated from a web2py 
>>>> function.
>>>> On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 11:11:51 UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>> Can I see you models? Are you changing the validator for 
>>>>> db.auth_user.password?
>>>>> Your error says:
>>>>> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unsupported hash type 
>>>>> |pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)
>>>>> I do not understand where | in  |pbkdf2 would come from.
>>>>> On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 09:33:12 UTC-6, Wonton wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Massimo!!
>>>>>> I'm using version 2.2.1 (2012-10-21 16:57:04) stable. I dowloaded it 
>>>>>> last week.
>>>>>> El martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012 16:26:29 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>> Which web2py version? The error suggests you are using an older 
>>>>>>> web2py version with newly created database of records.
>>>>>>> Massimo
>>>>>>> On Monday, 17 December 2012 14:59:02 UTC-6, Wonton wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>>>> I'm developing a backend site with web2py. I have 2 web services, 
>>>>>>>> one to register a user and a second one to login the user.
>>>>>>>> This is the first one:
>>>>>>>> def register(user, email, password):
>>>>>>>>      db.auth_user.insert(username=user, email=email, 
>>>>>>>> password=db.auth_user.password.validate(password)) 
>>>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>>>      return 'OK'
>>>>>>>> It's working ok and the users are created without problem.
>>>>>>>> This is the second one:
>>>>>>>> def login(user, password):
>>>>>>>>     response = auth.login_bare(user, password)
>>>>>>>>      if not response:
>>>>>>>>         message = 'Error'
>>>>>>>>     else:
>>>>>>>>          message = 'OK'
>>>>>>>>    return message
>>>>>>>> With this service I have the following error:
>>>>>>>> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unsupported hash type 
>>>>>>>> |pbkdf2(1000,20,sha512)
>>>>>>>> I've tried to find any solution to this problem without success.
>>>>>>>> Any of you has any idea of what is happening?
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much and kind regards!
>>>>>>>> Wonton


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