Actually, it is not MY fear of Javascript -- it is my potential user who is 
afraid of it.  Numerous "experts" such as recommend 
everybody turn OFF all scripting support, including Javascript, because of 
the potential of cross-site scripting.

Any good web2py'er knows that XSS is defeated by the design of web2py, but 
if the user has Javascript turned off because of the fear of it -- and my 
site depends on it -- we have a problem.  I just have no feel for how 
prevalent this fear is, and what percentage of users has it turned off.

My site is aimed at swimmers who participate in competitions.  They will 
use the site to sign up and pay the entry fees by CC, so some degree of 
trust is needed on the user's part.  The sites income will be derived from 
the entry fees, so I want everyone to use it.

But if I design the site with no Javascript at all, I wind up with a pretty 
boring and hard-to-use result.  Instead of easy point, click, drag, drop 
operations I get lots of form-filling and switching between pages.  It's 

I guess I am mostly curious about how others deal with this conundrum and 
if it is a big impact to depend on Javascript.

-- Joe B.

On Sunday, December 23, 2012 7:38:02 PM UTC-7, rh wrote:
> Are you distrustful of the javascript that web2py uses? jquery, et. al. 
> Surely that code has received intense scrutiny in regards to security. 
> And no doubt google has posted the security audit of the code in question 
> in a public place, right? 


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