
Do you know if the documentation has been updated to document this property?
I got here because I couldn't find this in the book in the first place.


On Tuesday, February 22, 2011 11:28:57 PM UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> {{=form.custom.deletable}} 
> it is not a widget. I agree that the name is not the most appropriate. 
> On Feb 22, 4:07 pm, greenpoise <> wrote: 
> > I dont know where my posts are going...anyways, I have a Crud custom 
> > form. Its set but I am also customizing the layout of the crud update 
> > form and I cant seem to get the delete would I go for 
> > that?? 
> > 
> > {{=form.custom.widget.????? 
> > 
> > tried: 
> > 
> > {{=form.custom.widget.delete/checkbox/delete_record/etcetcetc 
> > 
> > thanks 
> > 
> > d


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