Can you try replace:



except Exception:

On Monday, 24 December 2012 10:04:08 UTC-6, Adi wrote:
> Tried catching the exception when memcache is not available to switch to 
> db caching, but getting an excepting. 
> Should it be possible to catch this exception, ignore it and continue 
> running? 
> Thanks,
> Adnan
> try:
>     from gluon.contrib.memcache import MemcacheClient
>     memcache_servers = ['']
>     cache.memcache = MemcacheClient(request, memcache_servers)
>     cache.ram = cache.disk = cache.memcache
>     from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
>     session.connect(request,response,db=MEMDB(cache.memcache))
> except:
>     sys.exc_clear()
>     session.connect(request, response, db=db)
>     pass
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/", line 557, in wsgibase
>  session._try_store_in_db(request, response)
>  File "/Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/", line 739, in_try_store_in_db
>  record_id = table.insert(**dd)
>  File "/Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/contrib/", line 256, in insert
>  id = self._create_id()
>  File "/Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/contrib/", line 296, in_create_id
>  raise Exception('cannot set memcache')
> Exception: cannot set memcache
> Frames 
>  File /Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/ in wsgibase at line 557 code 
> arguments variables 
>  File /Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/ in _try_store_in_db at line 
> 739 code arguments variables 
>  File /Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/contrib/ in insert at line 256code 
> arguments variables 
>  File /Users/adnan/web2py24/gluon/contrib/ in _create_id at line 
> 296 code arguments variables 
> Function argument list 
> (self=<DALStorage {'client_ip': <gluon.contrib.memdb.F...luon.contrib.
> memdb.Field object at 0x111d554d0>}>) 
> Code listing 
> 291.
> 292.
> <span style="color: #066;" class="styled-by-prettify"...
> Show 
> original<>


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