I can help with that. Tonight beginning, and I send you some example.

PS: No need to pay me for it.


2012/12/27 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>

> I need help to redo all screenshots in the book using the latest web2py.
> I am looking for a few volunteers. Almost all of the screenshots are in
> chapter 3, 7, and 9.
> They should be done using Chrome without toolbars.
> Here are current screenshots:
> https://github.com/mdipierro/web2py-book/tree/master/sources/29-web2py-english/images
> The new screenshots should have the same name and format.
> If one of you wants to them all and can do in 3 days, send me an example
> of a couple of screenshots privately (to make sure they look good) and I
> will pay you $150 for all of them.
>  --


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