
Make sure that you're accessing it via https, I've noticed that if I click 
on the admin button from the main page accessed via http, it uses whatever 
transport protocol that was specified to get there. 

If you're already doing this I'd take a look at the web2py logs in 
$OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_LOG_DIR. A while back I had submitted a bug for how their 
proxy didn't set wsgi params when it passed the request to the gear. That's 
been the only time I've run into an issue like that. 

Also make sure your is linked to 

If you come across any more info, I'd be happy to take a look.


On Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:38:21 AM UTC-6, Gustavo Souza wrote:
> Hi Adrew, I followed these steps and was able to deploy the web2py, and it 
> works! ... I did with version 2.3.2
> My only problem is that the web2py admin panel is disabled.
> I created the file "" and put the password hash, but 
> still the message appears "admin disabled because unable to access password
> file "
> I have to change something?
> Em domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012 20h39min52s UTC-3, Andrew escreveu:
>> A little different in order. 
>> Do all the openshift stuff first, then download web2py and copy it into 
>> the wsgi folder. 
>> I would suggest using the application file I provide on the github repo 
>> and modify:
>> This:
>> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'], 'libs', 
>> 'gluon'))
>> to This:
>> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'], 'wsgi', 
>> 'web2by', 'gluon')) #honestly I don't know if sys.path.append handles stuff 
>> recursively so maybe this isn't necessary and you just comment out the 
>> gluon line. 
>> There are other nuances like addressing db host / port / user / pass 
>> variables that should all be setup in wsgi/application file. For example if 
>> you're using SQL lite, I have an example variable setup in the 
>> wsgi/application handler and then in your model you'd just use something 
>> like: 
>> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',folder=SQLITE_DIR)
>> If you want to use the admin, you'll need to create a 
>> with your hashed password in it but there are caveats to using the IDE in 
>> the cloud since app changes are applied via rhc / git. This is why I 
>> created the openshift deployer.
>> Andrew


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