I do not think it s a js issue, because there's no js error and after 
removing the js (my own, not web2py's), the problem is still there.

Say I have a controller f

def f():
  form = ....
  if form.processes(onvalidation=...).accepted:
      session.flash = 'Test'
      redirect(URL('f', args=form.vars.id))

Session.flash does not work for this particular controller.  For other 
controller, it seems fine.

This also is related to what I think another web2py bug.  The reason I had 
to redirect to the same controller after form submission, is because the 
model has some fields of type list:integer.  The problem is that when you 
have a list of integers with duplicates values, web2py (probably form), 
does not process that properly;

===> Web2py essentially messes up everything when you have a list:integers 
with same values **and** you do not redirect.

This is why I had to redirect, but when I redirect to the same update page, 
session flash does not seem to work (for this particular controller).

On Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:39:31 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Please post an example to reproduce the problem. Could it be a js issue? 
> Do you get chrome errors? Is the flash in the page text?
> On Thursday, 27 December 2012 17:55:46 UTC-6, VP wrote:
>> session.flash does not work properly for me either (latest web2py stable 
>> version).
>> when i redirect to the same controller , it works for some controller and 
>> doesn't work for other controllers.
>> Have no idea why.


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