Say I have a look-up tables as follows:


   Field('in_continent', db.continent, requi)

Now, if I then have a table as defined:

I would then like to have an SQLFORM in which field country presents a list 
in an options dropdown box with only countries based on what continent is 
selected in the record but I am not able to figure out the correct syntax.

  Field('continent', db.continent, default= 1, requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 
'', '%(name)s'), represent = lambda value, row: db.continent[
  Field('country',, requires = lambda id: IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db
([id].continent if id else db.
where_is_carmen.continent.default)), '', '%(name)s')))

I would then like to have an SQLFORM in which field country presents a list 
in an options dropdown box with only countries based on what continent is 
selected in the record but I am not able to figure out the correct syntax.

Any light shed on how this could be done would be much appreciated.


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