I'd just add javascript to the view to do it.

Attach to the change event on the name field and do ajax requests from the 
server for dns resolution. If successful fill in the host_ip field.

Terça-feira, 8 de Janeiro de 2013 17:46:04 UTC, Saba escreveu:
> hello,
> I have a table like this:
> db.define_table('host',
>     Field('host_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>     Field('host_ip', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())
> )
> i'm using SQLFORM.grid to display/edit the data in the table. When a user 
> inputs a host_name field, I would like to automatically populate the 
> host_ip field by doing an nslookup of the host_name. Is there a way to do 
> this. Any suggestions please?
> thanks,
> Saba


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