IMHO beautifulsoup is simpler hence faster to implement than other
solutions, very  tolerant on bad markup...

2013/1/8 rh <>:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 10:55:39 +0200
> Vasile Ermicioi <> wrote:
>> lxml, beautifulsoup
> Thanks, but too much code for my simple needs. I would hesitate to install
> so much software onto a production machine.  See the recent moinmoin
> exploit for an example of possible risks from 3rd party software.
> The HTMLParser in python will do fine.
> FWIW for python 3.3 it is now called html.parser
> sgmllib does not exist in 3.3
> The scope of parsing markup is deep and wide I have discovered. And I find
> there lots and lots of ways to do so in python.
>> --
> --
> --


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