On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 1:02 AM, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Thanks Álvaro, that looks like it would do the trick. How did you
> learn this? Did you study the gluon code or did you read about this
> elsewhere?

I read gluon code, but in this case I only used ipython shell.
Install ipython and do:
python web2py.py -S yourapp -M

So you will enter in a more powerful shell. Do:
myrow = db(db.table.id >= 50).select()

Type "myrow." and press TAB: all "myrow" methods and attributes will be shown.
If you type "myrow.as_list?" and press ENTER, will you see docstring
for that method (as_list doesn't have...). If you type
"myrow.as_list??" and press ENTER, code of "as_list" will be shown. It
is very useful.

 Álvaro Justen
 Peta5 - Telecomunicações e Software Livre
 21 3021-6001 / 9898-0141

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