> well I didn't try to give them excess but sounds logical. nevertheless I 
> didn't want to give them access to that. But I don't want to access each 
> article by myself just because someone did a spelling mistake or wants to 
> add a little content.

A very simple rights restriction example for editing Articles:

def owns_article(arg=None):
    return db((db.Article.owner_id==auth.user_id)&\
              (db.Article.id==request.args(1))).count() > 0

def edit_article():
    form = SQLFORM(db.Article, request.args(1))
    return dict(form=form)

You must point users to the edit page with urls like

URL(f="edit_article", args=["Article", <article_id>])

And add a Field("owner_id", "reference auth_user", default=auth.user_id, 
writable=False) to the Article table definition

web2py also provides an API for fine-grained access control, covered here: 


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