I need a multi file uploader. Web2py does not have it yet.
I saw an example using another table for the files.
I dont know how to sqlform 2 tables.
The book showed me how to do it with sqlform.factory

Thank you

2013/1/21 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>

> If you want want to interact with a database table why use SQLFORM.factory
> and not simply SQLFORM?
> On Monday, 21 January 2013 15:25:07 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:
>> Thank you Massimo, you are always available to help. Where is Bill Gates
>> when we need it right?
>> I restarted web2py and it works....
>> Strange....
>> Second question.
>> as i am using sqlform.factory to add records how to use it also to update
>> or delete?
>> Thank YOU again!
>> António
>>  2013/1/21 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo....@gmail.com>
>> Here is my test.
>>> $ python web2py.py -S welcome
>>> (InteractiveConsole)
>>> >>> import sys
>>> >>> form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('name'))
>>> >>> form.process(onvalidation=**lambda form:sys.stdout.write('check!\**
>>> n'),formname=None,session=**None)
>>> check!
>>> It works. Something else is wrong in your code. If you could post a
>>> complete example we can try help you debug it.
>>> Massimo
>>> On Monday, 21 January 2013 12:03:11 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:
>>>> Sorry for insisting,
>>>> I ´m using onvalidation in sqlform but if i use it in sqlform.factory i
>>>> get a flash message
>>>> Errors in Form. Please check it out!!!
>>>> *Secondly*
>>>>  as i am using sqlform.factory to add records how to use it also to
>>>> update or delete?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> António
>>>> 2013/1/21 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo....@gmail.com>
>>>> yes.
>>>>> On Monday, 21 January 2013 11:35:00 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:
>>>>>> can onvalidation be used with sqlform.factory ?
>>>>>> i´m getting error
>>>>>> Errors in Form. Please check it out!!!
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> António
>>>>>> 2013/1/17 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo....@gmail.com>
>>>>>> *You are storing the image twice:*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *if 
>>>>>>> trabalhador_form.process(onvalidation=attach_image_to_record).accepted:
>>>>>>> # here after validation *
>>>>>>>  *def attach_image_to_record(form):*
>>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>>     photo=db.trabalhador.foto.**stor******e(temp,'foto.jpg') # here
>>>>>>> on validation
>>>>>>> *    ... *
>>>>>>>     form.vars.photo=photo  *# here is where someting goes wrong....*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *The problem is that you altering the form on validation.*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *This this:*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>  **
>>>>>>> *def attach_image_to_record(form):*
>>>>>>>     import cgi
>>>>>>>     response=requests.get(form.**var******s.fp_url)
>>>>>>>      img=Image.open(StringIO(**respon******se.content))
>>>>>>>     img.save('foto1231.jpg','JPEG'********)
>>>>>>>     photo = cgi.FieldStorage()
>>>>>>>     photo.file = open('foto1231.jpg','rb')
>>>>>>>     photo.filename = 'foto.jpg'
>>>>>>>     form.vars.photo=photo # not this on, you let process do upload
>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>> This is very important for me ,
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, 16 January 2013 07:49:30 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:
>>>>>>>> I just noticed one image created in upload folder and one txt file.
>>>>>>>> Inside the txt file i see the name of jpg file created above.
>>>>>>>> why is that?
>>>>>>>> help please :)
>>>>>>>> António
>>>>>>>> 2013/1/16 António Ramos <ramst...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>  can onvalidation set upload  file field?
>>>>>>>>> i was complaining that form.vars was empty.
>>>>>>>>> It is if the controller does not return the form to the view
>>>>>>>>> So i return the form and away with my quest.
>>>>>>>>> Now, in onvalidation i set  the field with the upload file.
>>>>>>>>> I have to becaue i have a different upload button that goes online
>>>>>>>>> to get a file.
>>>>>>>>> Its working but the image file i set goes as a txt file to the
>>>>>>>>> database, why
>>>>>>>>> here my code:
>>>>>>>>> (I use PIL module)
>>>>>>>>> *if trabalhador_form.process(onvalidation=attach_image_to_record
>>>>>>>>> ).accepted:*
>>>>>>>>> *def attach_image_to_record(form):*
>>>>>>>>>     response=requests.get(form.**var******s.fp_url)
>>>>>>>>>     img=Image.open(StringIO(**respon******se.content))
>>>>>>>>>     img.save('foto1231.jpg','JPEG'********)
>>>>>>>>>     temp=open('foto1231.jpg','rb')
>>>>>>>>>     photo=db.trabalhador.foto.**stor******e(temp,'foto.jpg')
>>>>>>>>> *    print photo   # echoes something like     "trabalhador.foto.
>>>>>>>>> 989708787087078.9823492034.jpg*
>>>>>>>>>      form.vars.photo=photo  *# here is where someting goes
>>>>>>>>> wrong....*
>>>>>>>>> This is very important for me ,
>>>>>>>>> can anyone explain why a jpg is inserted as a txt? how to force
>>>>>>>>> jpg ?
>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>> António
>>>>>>>>> 2013/1/15 António Ramos <ramst...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> I´m testing this book example
>>>>>>>>>> http://web2py.com/books/**defaul******t/chapter/29/07#**
>>>>>>>>>> onvalidation<http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07#onvalidation>
>>>>>>>>>>  I get error on field named 'a'
>>>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>   File "C:\web2pyGit\web2py\gluon\**res******tricted.py", line 212, 
>>>>>>>>>> in restricted
>>>>>>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>>>>> "C:/web2pyGit/web2py/**applicati******ons/teste1/models/db.**py" 
>>>>>>>>>> <>, line 
>>>>>>>>>> 91, in <module>
>>>>>>>>>>     Field('c', 'integer', readable=False, writable=False))
>>>>>>>>>>   File "C:\web2pyGit\web2py\gluon\**dal******.py", line 7189, in 
>>>>>>>>>> define_table
>>>>>>>>>>     table = self.lazy_define_table(tablena********me,*fields,**args)
>>>>>>>>>>   File "C:\web2pyGit\web2py\gluon\**dal******.py", line 7206, in 
>>>>>>>>>> lazy_define_table
>>>>>>>>>>     table = table_class(self, tablename, *fields, **args)
>>>>>>>>>>   File "C:\web2pyGit\web2py\gluon\**dal******.py", line 7612, in 
>>>>>>>>>> __init__
>>>>>>>>>>     db.check_reserved_keyword(fiel********d_name)
>>>>>>>>>>   File "C:\web2pyGit\web2py\gluon\**dal******.py", line 6933, in 
>>>>>>>>>> check_reserved_keyword
>>>>>>>>>>     'invalid table/column name "%s" is a "%s" reserved SQL keyword' 
>>>>>>>>>> % (name, backend.upper()))
>>>>>>>>>> SyntaxError: invalid table/column name "a" is a "ALL" reserved SQL 
>>>>>>>>>> keyword
>>>>>>>>>> So i renamed all to a1,b1,c1 and it works !
>>>>>>>>>> Now my initial complain is still not working. I will test
>>>>>>>>>> tomorrow and post some code.
>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile please check why a is not a valid field name and update
>>>>>>>>>> the book if necessary.
>>>>>>>>>> thank you
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/1/15 Anthony <abas...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> form.vars should work. Can you show more code? Note,
>>>>>>>>>>> form.request_vars is simply a copy of the original 
>>>>>>>>>>> request.post_vars, so
>>>>>>>>>>> not equivalent to form.vars.
>>>>>>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:17:08 AM UTC-5, Ramos wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> hello reading the book online i tried the code
>>>>>>>>>>>> def my_form_processing(form):
>>>>>>>>>>>>     c = form.vars.a
>>>>>>>>>>>>     form.vars.b
>>>>>>>>>>>>     if c < 0:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         form.errors.b = 'a'
>>>>>>>>>>>>     else:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         form.vars.c = c
>>>>>>>>>>>> but form.vars was empty
>>>>>>>>>>>> to access my form vars i changed to form.request_vars
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Is the book wrong?*
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>> António
>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>  --
>>>>  --
>>  --


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