Hi, web2py users. In my model, I've got a field of type "list:string" which 
I'm trying to validate. The field is defined as follows:

Field('f_field_name', type='list:string', 
> requires=IS_IN_SET(theset=list_of_acceptable_options,zero=T(message), 
> error_message=T(some_error_message)))

This renders perfectly well as a select element/drop-down menu when the 
table that contains it is passed to SQLFORM(). However, if I pass a list of 
validators to "requires," the list renders as an unordered list containing 
an input box and a javascript:void(0) reference. For instance, the 
following trivial example would render in the fashion described:

Field('f_field_name', type='list:string', 
> requires=[IS_IN_SET(theset=list_of_acceptable_options,zero=T(message), 
> error_message=T(some_error_message)),
> IS_IN_SET(theset=list_of_acceptable_options,zero=T(message), 
> error_message=T(some_error_message))]
> )

Any ideas as to what the issue could be? Any recommendations on how to use 
IS_IN_SET() in combination with another validator? Thanks!


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