can't reproduce right now, but usually for this kind of stuff I'd use a 
totally external process. 
Beware that "several minutes" standing requests may be killed by your 
webserver to free up resources (usually governed by the timeout* 

If you'd like to have that running inside your webserver process, I'd adopt 
a slightly different pattern....

1. page that display and process form
2. upon correct submission, call another function with the recalculateEvent 
via ajax
3. open a div somewhere to poll for status progress

So you'd have:
a) a thread that processes the form and then return ASAP rendering your 
"template" page
b) a thread that does recalculateEvent, called one-time-only by the a) 
rendered page
c) a thread that reports execution and returns ASAP, called several times 
by the a) rendered page, filling a component within the "template" page

for b) and c) putting a session.forget() at the top should do no harm.

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:29:03 PM UTC+1, Andriy wrote:
> I have a time consuming server side calculation, which is triggered by 
> edit-form submitting and can run up to several minutes (its a sports event 
> data recalculation if rules are changed). During this time I want to 
> receive messages via ajax from server and post them in a div for a progress 
> visualization. So far I`v done this using DB table for recording log 
> messages:
> **
> #here I store messages 
> db.define_table('log', Field('message', 'string')) 
> *controller #1:*
> def editForm():
> ...
> if form.process().accepted:
> event=db(
> recalculateEvent(event)
> **
> #recalculation must be accessible from all controller files, so I put it 
> in a Model 
> import myModule
> recalculateEvent(event): 
> db.log.truncate()     #clear log
> session._unlock(response)          #without this, this function does not 
> allow functions in other controllers to run
> db.log.insert(message='Starting Calculation') 
> db.commit()                          #if I do not commit after every 
> insert, messages do not appear in DB table
> myModule.calculateSomeMoreData()
> for p in players:
> db.log.insert(message='Calculating player ' 
> db.commit()
> ...more calculations...
> p.update_record()
> *controller#2:*
> #ajax calls this function every .5 seconds for messages
> def getProgress():
> m=' '.join([l.message for l in db(db.log).select()])
> return json.dumps(dict(m=m))
> *View, javascript:*
> $("#submit_button").click(function(e){
> $('#progress').show();
> GetProgres();
> $("#myForm").submit();
> });
> function GetProgres() {
> $.ajax({
> type: "POST",
> url: '{{=URL('controller#2', 'getProgress')}}',
> dataType: "json",
> success: function(data) {
> $('#progress').html(data.m);
> setTimeout(function() { GetProgres(); }, 500);
> },
> error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
> alert(xhr.status);
> alert(xhr.statusText);
> alert(thrownError);
> }
> });
> }
> I have 2 problems with this:
> 1. Every other time web2py throws this error after recalculateEvent(event) 
> function completes:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "gluon/", line 576, in wsgibase
> File "gluon/", line 749, in _try_store_in_cookie_or_file
> File "gluon/", line 768, in _try_store_in_file
> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
> If I remove db.log.insert+db.commit lines - no error. But how else can I 
> transfer live data between running real-time function in a model and 
> function in a controller? I tried storing messages in a session, but it 
> does not update until model function is finished.
> 2. Ajax call from view works only when hosting on my local machine and 
> only in Opera and IE. It does not call controller#2/getProgress function in 
> Chrome and Firefox on localhost. When hosting on outside server it does not 
> work on any browser... Only Firefox triggers ajax error, with 
> xhr.statusText='error'.
> I guess this is something to do with that I`m triggering form submission, 
> calculation function and at the same time polling sever. But I have no idea 
> what to do.
> May be if my approach is totally wrong somebody can suggest how to 
> implement this in other way.


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