Can you send me your .table file for auth_user. Before the migration.

On Wednesday, 30 January 2013 07:17:11 UTC-6, Andrew Buchan wrote:
> Hello, 
> I'm running web2py on a Windows server with MS SQL, it's running from 
> source, as a service.
> I tried upgrading from version 1.93.2 to the latest stable (2.3.2), and on 
> launching database administration, I got an IntegrityError.
> ----- Here's the table definition:
> UserTableName = auth.settings.table_user_name
> auth_table = db.define_table(
>     UserTableName, 
>     Field('first_name', length=128, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>     Field('last_name', length=128, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>     Field('email', length=128, unique=True, requires = [IS_EMAIL(), 
>     Field('password', 'password', length=256, readable=False, 
> label='Password'),
>     Field('department', db.department),
>     Field('is_department_manager', 'boolean', default = False),
>     Field('registration_key', length=128, default= '', writable=False, 
> readable=False),
>     Field('reset_password_key', length=512, writable=False, 
> readable=False, default=''),
>     format = '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s'
>     )
> auth_table.password.requires = [CRYPT()]
> ------ Here's the traceback:
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 212, 
> in restricted
>     exec ccode in environment
>   File "C:/Program Files/Hub 
> Pages/web2py/applications/HubFormsTidy/models/", line 59, in <module>
>     format = '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s'
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 7186, in 
> define_table
>     table = self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 7222, in 
> lazy_define_table
>     polymodel=polymodel)
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 963, in 
> create_table
>     fake_migrate=fake_migrate)
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 1069, in 
> migrate_table
>     self.execute(sub_query)
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 1709, in 
> execute
>     return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
>   File "C:\Program Files\Hub Pages\web2py\gluon\", line 1703, in 
> log_execute
>     ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
> IntegrityError: ('23000', "[23000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL 
> Server]The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key 
> was found for the object name 'dbo.auth_user' and the index name 
> 'UQ__auth_user__3335971A'. The duplicate key value is (<NULL>). (1505) 
> (SQLExecDirectW); [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL 
> Server]Could not create constraint. See previous errors. (1750); [01000] 
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been 
> terminated. (3621)")
> ------- Here's the last bit of sql.log in web2py's databases directory (I 
> added blank lines for clarity):
> timestamp: 2013-01-29T17:21:14.585000
> ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD password__tmp VARCHAR(256) NULL;
> UPDATE auth_user SET password__tmp=password;
> ALTER TABLE auth_user DROP COLUMN password;
> ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD password VARCHAR(256) NULL;
> UPDATE auth_user SET password=password__tmp;
> ALTER TABLE auth_user DROP COLUMN password__tmp;
> timestamp: 2013-01-29T17:21:14.585000
> ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD registration_key__tmp VARCHAR(128) NULL;
> UPDATE auth_user SET registration_key__tmp=registration_key;
> ALTER TABLE auth_user DROP COLUMN registration_key;
> ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD registration_key VARCHAR(128) NULL;
> UPDATE auth_user SET registration_key=registration_key__tmp;
> ALTER TABLE auth_user DROP COLUMN registration_key__tmp;
> timestamp: 2013-01-29T17:21:14.585000
> ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD email__tmp VARCHAR(128) NULL UNIQUE;
> (it stops here)
> ---------------
> It seems that the newer version of web2py deemed there were some 
> differences between how the table is defined in the web2py model file and 
> how it is in the database, tried to alter the database, but failed. 
> There were no changes to the database, I just did an upgrade is all, so I 
> don't see the need for it to have tried a migrate on that table, but 
> regardless of that there is an issue.
> I'm not a SQL expert, but am I right in thinking that what is happening is 
> that web2py is trying to create column 'email__tmp' which allows NULLS, yet 
> has a unique constraint, which Ms SQL won't allow as some of the values 
> will be NULL seeing as there are existing records in the table? Also, it 
> seems to be creating all the tables as allowing NULLS, even though in the 
> model I specify "requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()" on these columns. If it is 
> necessary to allow NULLS to enable copying of values, then I would expect 
> to see the columns retrospectively altered to not allow NULLS, and only at 
> that point should we add any UNIQUE constraints...
> Did the DAL migrate functionality change significantly between version 
> 1.93.2 and 2.3.2? 
> Can anyone advise?
> many thanks, 
> Andrew.


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