Can you reproduce this? All if found out is that if the source is down or 
issues a redirect you may get that error. I believe it to be a 
urllib.urlopen issue.

On Sunday, 27 January 2013 07:46:13 UTC-6, ludwa6 wrote:
> @Massimo: The error appears in a ticket, i see no traceback, but if that 
> would be helpful and you can tell me how to access it, i'd be happy to try. 
> As to method of installation: I downloaded the latest from the DL page; it 
> came in the form of a file !", which unpacked into a folder 
> "web2py" containing just the one binary "" -which i just dragged 
> into my Applications folder, over the older one which it was to replace 
> (Mac OS X then gives a warning dialog to say it found an older file with 
> same name, do you want to replace it -and i clicked Yes.).
> Yours, Walt
> On Sunday, January 27, 2013 2:39:35 AM UTC, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> The upgrade should not have affected installed apps. How did you upgrade?
>> About the error below. Can you tell us more about the process you use to 
>> download appliances? Is there a traceback with the error? Is the error in a 
>> ticket or in the shell?
>> On Saturday, 26 January 2013 18:05:19 UTC-6, ludwa6 wrote:
>>> Having just upgraded from version 1.9x to 2.3.2, it seems that all 
>>> installed appliances were lost in the transition... And so i am attempting 
>>> to resinstall several from by cutting 
>>> and pasting the download link into "get from URL" field of "upload and 
>>> install packed application" utility, but operation invariably fails (in 
>>> each case, having tried numerous appliances from that page) with the 
>>> following error message: 
>>>  "Unable to download app because: 
>>>   addinfourl instance has no attribute 'code'  "
>>> I'm baffled by this error, because this is the very same installation 
>>> procedure that worked perfectly well for me using version 1.9.x... But 
>>> anyone can see a possible way around this problem, i'd be most grateful for 
>>> any pointers along that line.
>>> /walt


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