Hi Richard....thanks for the link...the widget is working perfectly for all 

On Thursday, 31 January 2013 10:29:29 UTC+5:30, newbie wrote:

> Hi.... 
>           I m a newbie working on web2py,and i want to create an SQLForm 
> with database Employee.The fields of db.Employee are name,campus,timzezone
> .I want the user to input in the SQLform ,but the last filed of timezone 
> shud be such that when the user inputs in the field ,it shud present a 
> dropdown of fields from another database called 'timezone_countries'.The 
> user shud be able to select from the dropdown and submit the form .The code 
> i have written in DB,Default,and view are here respectively:-
> DB.py
> db.define_table('Employee',Field('name'),Field('campus'),Field('timezone'))
>  db.define_table('timezone_countries',Field('countries'))
> def timezone_countries_data():
>     result = {}    
>     result['countries'] = 'Brazil/Rio' 
>     db.timezone_countries.insert(**result)
>     db.commit()
> def timezone_countries_dataF():
>      timezone_countries_data()
>  def emp_input():
>     form=SQLFORM(db.Employee)
>     return locals()
> def emp_selector():
>     if not request.vars.emp_timezone: 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->where
> emp_timezone is the id of timezone in SQLFORM
>         return ' '
>     pattern = request.vars.emp_timezone.capitalize() + '%'
>     selected = [row.countries for row in 
> db(db.timezone_countries.countries.like(pattern)).select()]
>     return ''.join([DIV(k,
>                         _onclick="jQuery('#emp_timezone').val('%s')" % k,
>                         _onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='yellow'",
>                         _onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='white'"
>                         ).xml() for k in selected])
> View:
>  {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{=form}}
>  <style>
>  #suggestions { position: relative; }
>  .suggestions { background: white; border: solid 1px #55A6C8; }
>  .suggestions DIV { padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; }
>  </style>
>  <div style="position: absolute;" id="suggestions"
>  class="suggestions"></div>
>  <script>
>  jQuery("#emp_timezone").keyup(function(){
>  ajax('emp_selector', ['emp_timezone'], 'suggestions')});
>  </script>
> Kindly help.......


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