Hello Kenneth,

> But how do I handle that WP takes care of authentication and somehow gives 
> the customer rights to view the manual. 
I had a similar problem. I added an XMLRPC method to my wordpress instance 
to check if a given username/password combination is valid and added an 
auth method to my web2py instance which calls that XMLRPC method.

Wordpress Code:

# custom remote auth
add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', 'my_add_xml_rpc_methods' );

function my_add_xml_rpc_methods( $methods ) {
  $methods['mh.testCredentials'] = 'test_credentials';
  return $methods;

function test_credentials( $params ) {
  global $wp_xmlrpc_server;
  $blog_id  = (int) $params[0]; // not used, but follow in the form of the 
wordpress built in XML-RPC actions
  $username = $params[1];
  $password = $params[2];
  $args     = $params[3];
  // verify credentials
  if ( ! $wp_xmlrpc_server->login( $username, $password ) ) {
    return False;

  do_action( 'xmlrpc_call', 'mh.testCredentials' ); // patterned on the 
core XML-RPC actions
  // return success
  return True;

This is one of the tutorials I used when coming up with this: 

Now the web2py part - copy to ./gluon/contrib/login_methods/my_auth.py

from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client
from wordpress_xmlrpc import AuthenticatedMethod
from wordpress_xmlrpc import InvalidCredentialsError

class GetUserInfo(AuthenticatedMethod):
    method_name = "mh.testCredentials"

def my_auth(server):
    to use basic login with a different server
    from gluon.contrib.login_methods.basic_auth import basic_auth

    def basic_login_aux(username,
        wp = Client(server, username, password)
        retVal = None
            retVal = wp.call(GetUserInfo())
        except InvalidCredentialsError:
            return False
        return retVal
    return basic_login_aux

 Now, where you configure your auth module, add this:
from gluon.contrib.login_methods.my_auth import my_auth
auth.settings.login_methods=[my_auth("http://mywordpress/xmlrpc.php";)] # 
smart people use https


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