I found the answer....

 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 07:49:41 

You have to re-start the web2py server NOT from the tk GUI (start/stop) 
server buttons but you have to close that GUI app and re-start web2py.exe. 
 It worked for me after that. So a full restart will re-parse the top level 
routes.py routes.  This may be the same on UNIX but I never used the tk GUI 
for web2py so I did not see this until I used Windows. 

On Sunday, August 19, 2012 9:15:25 PM UTC-7, Dave wrote:
> I generally am not the person to be monkeying around with things on 
> Windows.  That said, one of my customers is about to take over management 
> and ownership of a web2py application I have written for them.  I seem to 
> be having an issue testing the deployment for them.
> I created an options.py file and the service installs and starts properly. 
>  Unfortunately, for some reason it does not appear the routes.py file is 
> being parsed on startup though.  Even though the default app is set, a 
> request to / still attempts to go to /welcome/...  If I go in to the admin 
> interface and choose reload routes, everything works...  until the service 
> is restarted that is.
> If I run web2py from the command line .. ie python web2py.py -p 80 -a 
> 'password', the routes.py file gets parsed on startup.
> Any ideas?


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