JSONRPC is a method to invoke functions that is standardized. REST is a 
standardized method to represent something.

Standards are constructed on different things: JSONRPC standardizes the 
transport method and the returned values, while REST standardizes how you 
should represent a given "entity" and how you should interact with the 
entity itself (not the format itself).

That being said, there's no standards on how to implement a particular 
functionality: REST is useful to interact with models, hence it's more 
geared towards representing your "objects", and if your objects are db 
records, REST methods map very well to the usual CRUD operations. 

JSONRPC instead is more keen to map to the "functional" side of things: you 
need to code interactions with the model in your functions.  

That's why you can find largely on the internet both of them, but when the 
exposed API is something that needs to give access to a wide interlinked 
model the preferred method is REST, while if it exposes only "features" you 
find JSONRPC as the standard.

On Saturday, March 2, 2013 9:45:35 AM UTC+1, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> From what it seems, RESTFUL seems a bit more complex vs JSONRPC.
> What are the advantages for using REST, when using full 
> AJAX Framework like qooxdoo?


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