What kind of error message are you getting?

I assume the request.vars['lesson'] and request.vars.answer are both 
indices into their respective tables. However, request.vars will be holding 
these values as strings. Without knowing more, I would suggest putting an 
int() around those two vars, as in:

answer = db.answer[int(request.vars.answer)]

and then do your test:

if 'y' in answer.is_correct:
    # do something
   # do something else

Hope this  helps.

On Friday, March 8, 2013 12:37:20 PM UTC+8, Mika Sjöman wrote:
> Hi trying to check true false in a string set, but does not work
> ## db.py
> db.define_table('answer',
>     Field('description'),
>     Field('is_correct', type='list:string'),
>     Field('belongs_to_quiz',type='reference quiz',writable=False),    
> )
> db.answer.is_correct.requires=IS_IN_SET(('y','n'))
> ## controller
> def check_if_correct_answer():
>     """this function tests if the user answers correctly to a question and 
> sends back a ajax response """
>     lesson = db.lesson(request.vars['lesson'])
>     answer = db.answer(request.vars.answer)
>     if answer.is_correct == "y":
>         #db.user_answer.insert(belongs_to_user=auth.user.id, 
> belongs_to_lesson=lesson.id, correct='y')
>         correct_or_not='y'
>     else: 
>         correct_or_not='n'
>     return  "jQuery('.flash').html('%s').slideDown();" % (correct_or_not)
> But this test with answer.is_correct does not work. Anybody has an idea on 
> how to check? 


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