I'm glad you like it, and it's interesting, but this way is not secure, 
since it is susceptible to double submit and CSRF. I would only recommend 
this way if you are building an internal only website. You should probably 
have a formkey to protect against it.

On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 6:44:16 PM UTC-7, 黄祥 wrote:
> this cool man, thanks derek
> hi alex,
> hope this can help for you to follow the web2py slices (much more simple 
> than the one on the discussion that i've attached before):
> p.s. please focus on the bold
> *pwd*
> /web2py/applications/test
> *cat controllers/default.py*
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> # this file is released under public domain and you can use without 
> limitations
> #########################################################################
> ## This is a samples controller
> ## - index is the default action of any application
> ## - user is required for authentication and authorization
> ## - download is for downloading files uploaded in the db (does streaming)
> ## - call exposes all registered services (none by default)
> #########################################################################
> *def index(): *
> *    return dict(message="hello from houses.py")*
> * *
> *def display():*
> *    people = db().select(db.person.ALL)** *
> *    return dict(people = people)*
> * *
> *def showHouses():*
> *    houses = db(db.house.person == request.vars.id).select(db.house.ALL)*
> *    return dict(houses=houses)*
> * *
> *def saveAddress():*
> *        if request.post_vars.address:*
> *            newhouse = 
> db.house.insert(address=request.post_vars.address, 
> person=request.post_vars.owner)*
> *        houses = db(db.house.person == 
> request.post_vars.owner).select(db.house.ALL)*
> *        return dict(houses=houses)*
> def user():
>     """
>     exposes:
>     http://..../[app]/default/user/login
>     http://..../[app]/default/user/logout
>     http://..../[app]/default/user/register
>     http://..../[app]/default/user/profile
>     http://..../[app]/default/user/retrieve_password
>     http://..../[app]/default/user/change_password
>     use @auth.requires_login()
>         @auth.requires_membership('group name')
>         @auth.requires_permission('read','table name',record_id)
>     to decorate functions that need access control
>     """
>     return dict(form=auth())
> def download():
>     """
>     allows downloading of uploaded files
>     http://..../[app]/default/download/[filename]
>     """
>     return response.download(request, db)
> def call():
>     """
>     exposes services. for example:
>     http://..../[app]/default/call/jsonrpc
>     decorate with @services.jsonrpc the functions to expose
>     supports xml, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amfrpc, rss, csv
>     """
>     return service()
> @auth.requires_signature()
> def data():
>     """
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/tables
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/create/[table]
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/read/[table]/[id]
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/update/[table]/[id]
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/delete/[table]/[id]
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/select/[table]
>     http://..../[app]/default/data/search/[table]
>     but URLs must be signed, i.e. linked with
>       A('table',_href=URL('data/tables',user_signature=True))
>     or with the signed load operator
> LOAD('default','data.load',args='tables',ajax=True,user_signature=True)
>     """
>     return dict(form=crud())
> *cat models/db.py*
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> #########################################################################
> ## This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
> ## File is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
> #########################################################################
> ## if SSL/HTTPS is properly configured and you want all HTTP requests to
> ## be redirected to HTTPS, uncomment the line below:
> # request.requires_https()
> if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
>     ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
>     db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
> else:
>     ## connect to Google BigTable (optional 'google:datastore://namespace')
>     db = DAL('google:datastore')
>     ## store sessions and tickets there
>     session.connect(request, response, db=db)
>     ## or store session in Memcache, Redis, etc.
>     ## from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
>     ## from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
>     ## session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))
> ## by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from localhost
> ## none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.extension'
> response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []
> ## (optional) optimize handling of static files
> # response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline'
> # response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline'
> #########################################################################
> ## Here is sample code if you need for
> ## - email capabilities
> ## - authentication (registration, login, logout, ... )
> ## - authorization (role based authorization)
> ## - services (xml, csv, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amf, rss)
> ## - old style crud actions
> ## (more options discussed in gluon/tools.py)
> #########################################################################
> from gluon.tools import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate
> auth = Auth(db)
> crud, service, plugins = Crud(db), Service(), PluginManager()
> ## create all tables needed by auth if not custom tables
> auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)
> ## configure email
> mail = auth.settings.mailer
> mail.settings.server = 'logging' or 'smtp.gmail.com:587'
> mail.settings.sender = 'y...@gmail.com <javascript:>'
> mail.settings.login = 'username:password'
> ## configure auth policy
> auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
> auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False
> auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True
> ## if you need to use OpenID, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.
> ## register with janrain.com, write your domain:api_key in 
> private/janrain.key
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import use_janrain
> use_janrain(auth, filename='private/janrain.key')
> #########################################################################
> ## Define your tables below (or better in another model file) for example
> ##
> ## >>> db.define_table('mytable',Field('myfield','string'))
> ##
> ## Fields can be 'string','text','password','integer','double','boolean'
> ##       'date','time','datetime','blob','upload', 'reference TABLENAME'
> ## There is an implicit 'id integer autoincrement' field
> ## Consult manual for more options, validators, etc.
> ##
> ## More API examples for controllers:
> ##
> ## >>> db.mytable.insert(myfield='value')
> ## >>> rows=db(db.mytable.myfield=='value').select(db.mytable.ALL)
> ## >>> for row in rows: print row.id, row.myfield
> #########################################################################
> ## after defining tables, uncomment below to enable auditing
> # auth.enable_record_versioning(db)
> *db.define_table('person', Field('name'),Field('age','integer'))*
> *db.define_table('house',Field('address'),Field('person', db.person))*
> *
> *
> *from gluon.contrib.populate import populate*
> *if db(db.auth_user).isempty():*
> *
> *
> *# person*
> *populate(db.person, 10)*
> *
> *
> *# group*
> *auth.add_group('Admin', 'Admin')*
> *
> *
> *# membership*
> *auth.add_membership('1', '1')*
> *
> *
> *# user*
> *db.auth_user.bulk_insert([{'first_name' : 'Admin', 'last_name' : 
> 'Admin', *
> *                           'email' : 'ad...@test.com <javascript:>', *
> *                           'password' : 
> db.auth_user.password.validate('password')[0]}])*
> *cat views/default/display.html *
> *{{extend 'layout.html'}}*
> *<h1>This is the houses/display.html template</h1>*
> *{{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}*
> *{{ for x in people: }}*
> *Show Addresses for: {{=A(x.name, _href=URL('showHouses?id=' + str(x.id
> )))}}*
> *{{=BR()}}*
> *{{ pass }}*
> *cat views/default/saveAddress.html *
> *{{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}*
> *cat views/default/showHouses.html *
> *{{extend 'layout.html'}}*
> *<h1> Showing houses for person #{{=request.vars.id}}</h1>*
> * *
> *<div id="houseListing"></div>*
> *<div id="input"><input type="text" name="address"/><input type="hidden" 
> name="owner" value="{{=request.vars.id}}" />*
> *    <button onclick="ajax('saveAddress', ['address', 'owner'], 
> 'houseListing')"> Web2PY save </button>*
> *</div>*
> *<script>*
> *ajax('saveAddress',['owner'],'houseListing');*
> *</script>*


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