Here's the grid home:

On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:38:00 PM UTC-4, Derek wrote:
> Where would one get this jqGrid Tree, and can you post a sample JSON 
> dataset that this is supposed to work with?
> On Monday, March 25, 2013 3:51:10 PM UTC-7, Nate wrote:
>> Nothing in the console. Firebug reports
>> No Javascript on this pageIf <script> tags have a "type" attribute, it 
>> should equal "text/javascript" or "application/javascript". Also scripts 
>> must be parsable (syntactically correct).
>> On Monday, March 25, 2013 11:15:31 PM UTC+11, Willoughby wrote:
>>> Do you get any errors in the console? That's the first place I usually 
>>> look...
>>> On Sunday, March 24, 2013 8:42:45 PM UTC-4, Nate wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>>  I have a controller sending JSON to my view. I cannot get the data 
>>>> into the TreeGrid. The Json is coming down correctly (I placed it manually 
>>>> and it works). Running this code places the JSON on the webpage. 
>>>> Controller 
>>>> and View below.
>>>> Help appreciated.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Nate
>>>> @service.json
>>>> def get_report():
>>>>     import json
>>>>     rows = db( > 0).select().as_list()
>>>>     concat = '{"response":['
>>>>     seq =1
>>>>     for row in rows:
>>>>         row['id'] = seq
>>>>         concat = concat + json.dumps(row)+","        
>>>>         seq = seq+1
>>>>         innerrows = db( == 
>>>> row.get('id')).select().as_list()
>>>>         for innerrow in innerrows:
>>>>             innerrow['id'] = seq
>>>>             concat = concat + json.dumps(innerrow) + ","
>>>>             seq = seq+1
>>>>     concat = concat.strip( ',' )
>>>>     concat = concat + ']},grid;'
>>>>     return concat
>>>> VIEW
>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>> <script type="text/javascript">
>>>>  jQuery(document).ready(function(){
>>>>  jQuery.getJSON("{{=URL(r=request,f='call',args=['json','get_report'])}}",
>>>>         function(msg){
>>>>            jQuery.each(msg, function(){ 
>>>>         topicjson = this;
>>>>         $('#treeGrid').jqGrid({
>>>>             datastr: topicjson,
>>>>             datatype: "json",
>>>>             height: "auto",
>>>>             mType: 'GET',
>>>>             treeGridModel: 'adjacency',
>>>>             colNames: [/*"id",*/"Items","url"],
>>>>             colModel: [
>>>>                 {name: "elementName", width:250, resizable: false},
>>>>                 {name: "url",width:1,hidden:true}
>>>>                 ],
>>>>         treeGrid: true,
>>>>         caption: "Neighbourhood",
>>>>         ExpandColumn: "name",
>>>>         ExpandColClick:true,
>>>>         autowidth: true
>>>>         });
>>>>     })
>>>>     });    
>>>> });
>>>> </script>
>>>> <div style="width:180px;">
>>>> <table id="treeGrid">
>>>> </table>


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