I was wondering if there is anything such as a "Go-Live Checklist" for W2P 
apps. Like things you want to check before you go live, or optimizations 
you can enable once your 'development' phase is done. 

For example:

1. Disable migrations
2. Enable 'lazy tables'
3. Enable DB Cache on queries
4. Add @cache decorator to cacheable views.
5. Add session.forget for methods which don't use the session object.
6. Enable connection pooling depending on the database.

Anyone have ideas on what to add to (or change in) the checklist? I 
understand that not all developers can enable all optimizations, and you 
should go through and test everything after you've "optimized" to make sure 
the site still functions, but having this checklist as like a 
pre-go-live-check might be a good thing to have for those of us who are 
less experienced at deployments.


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